Recognized Weapons can have one extra link

    Do you think being able to link a extra weapon or effect should be added to the game

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    Jun 15, 2014
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    What i Suggested is being able to link a extra effect computer or weapon to a weapon computer.
    So you could have 2 different effects and one weapon linked to weapon computer or two different weapons and one effect.
    When two effects are linked to a weapon computer:
    The two effect computers can only go up to 100% slave together so no added bonus for having two effects.
    eg. you could have 40% push and 60% power damage linked to a weapon computer so 40% of the weapon damage will be converted into push power and 60% of the weapon damage will be converted into power damage.
    With the push, pulls and stop effects, when two of them are used the effect with the highest slave percentage will be used first then the other after 5 seconds. eg. Push has the highest slave percentage, stop second. The entity hit will be pushed then stopped after 5 seconds.

    When two weapons are linked to a weapon computer:
    The two weapon slaved can only go up to 100% together.
    The weapon with the highest slave percentage will be the one that decides what type of weapon the main computer is. eg. lock-on, heat-seeking or normal.
    eg. 49% cannon and 51% beam is linked to the main computers so if the main computer is a missile then the missile will be a fast, low powered, lock-on missile.
    eg. 75% missile and 10% pulsar is linked to a beam computer so then the outputs will fire slightly more powerful multiply beams.

    What do you think of this idea vote and write what you think below


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    There are so many ways this could be overpowered that there's no way I can support this. I mean, rapid fire lock ons, for one.


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    Yes, it would be complicated. With that said, there have been times when I wanted multiple effects so bad.

    So, multiple weapon slaves, no. Multiple effect slaves (up to but not exceeding 100%), yes please.

    Alternative idea: additional linked computer which alters the output type, but doesn't provide additional effects. (Link up a single missile computer to make the output a missile. Link up a beam computer to make it fire a beam instead. Link up a cannon computer to fire cannon shots instead.)
    Feb 1, 2015
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    Effects seem ok to implement as you suggest. Weapons not, as they could be indeed overpowered.
    Perhaps instead a fast lock on, have the two possible weapons in a single shot.
    100k missiles with 50k missiles and 50k beams when launched would do 50/50 heatseekers and 50/50 lock on. the highest reload time wins so, it would have the same reload time as lock on.
    This would prevent the overpoweredness and give chance to have more weapons in the hotbar, which is what i guess OP wants.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    What i Suggested is being able to link a extra effect computer or weapon to a weapon computer.
    So you could have 2 different effects and one weapon linked to weapon computer or two different weapons and one effect.
    When two effects are linked to a weapon computer:
    The two effect computers can only go up to 100% slave together so no added bonus for having two effects.
    eg. you could have 40% push and 60% power damage linked to a weapon computer so 40% of the weapon damage will be converted into push power and 60% of the weapon damage will be converted into power damage.
    With the push, pulls and stop effects, when two of them are used the effect with the highest slave percentage will be used first then the other after 5 seconds. eg. Push has the highest slave percentage, stop second. The entity hit will be pushed then stopped after 5 seconds.

    When two weapons are linked to a weapon computer:
    The two weapon slaved can only go up to 100% together.
    The weapon with the highest slave percentage will be the one that decides what type of weapon the main computer is. eg. lock-on, heat-seeking or normal.
    eg. 49% cannon and 51% beam is linked to the main computers so if the main computer is a missile then the missile will be a fast, low powered, lock-on missile.
    eg. 75% missile and 10% pulsar is linked to a beam computer so then the outputs will fire slightly more powerful multiply beams.

    What do you think of this idea vote and write what you think below
    interesting suggestion. i think it would be good if it was possible to further mix and match the current support and effects without it being too overpowered.
    Jun 15, 2014
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    The rapid fire lock-on missiles won't have more DPS then normal lock-on missiles
    Jan 1, 2013
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    With the split % of maximum bonus, its possible for this to work, ASSUMING there are not specific combinations that cause or allow exploits. In addition to that, this increase in complexity is a HUGE addition to the code needed for the weapons. I'll look into the balance side and discuss the practical coding side with Schema, but I would not get any hopes up, really. Seriously, dont get excited over this, is a small maybe possibly potentially.
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    Reactions: CaptainTaz
    Jul 25, 2014
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    would require a lot of balance tweaks, it could sound cool, but i guess that adding even more power to weapons would end in more 1 shot killing guns.

    personally i think the original weapon system is great, it lets players customize a single weapon system into a lot of different types of damage outputs, Creating 1 Damage Type per Gun, i guess that's how its supposed 2 be.

    Again personal opinion, still a good suggestion. <3
    Aug 18, 2013
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    It sounds great, but it would be needed a hell lot of programming and a hell lot of balancing...