Weapon Supports do not add bonus past 1:1.

    Nov 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    I made a Cannon/Pulse system, and adding more pulses past 1:1 ratio did not increase the damage or increase the reload time. I switched to a Cannon/Cannon system, and same problem. Ditto with a Pulse/Cannon system.
    I believe this is a side-effect of capping the defensive systems at 100%, where offensive systems are also capped at 100%.


    Customer Experience Manager
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    • Wired for Logic
    Yes this is intended.
    To give the config value in the
    the power to limit the max achievable bonus.

    So when 'the serverowner' wants to have a range factor of 2 for beams on max support, this is achieved by having it 1:1 and also capped there.
    This way no one can have a triple range beam or even more.
    Think of possible exploits with that.
    Like having one main weapon and 10000 support modules.
    This would lead to a support factor of 10000% and lead to insane values on all buffed stats.

    Extending a single beam in range, may be calculatable, and even work out, as the raytracing is very efficient now, but think of missiles with 1000 blocks radius and needing to apply the low damage to every single block in that sphere. On every single impact.

    So, yes, 100% support and system efficiency is the intended cap,
    to give the config the power to have expectable limits in combinations.

    - Andy