Bug Weapon effect behaviors bugged(missile power and cannon damage effected), NEED HELP VERIFYING

    Nov 4, 2013
    Reaction score
    Ok, so I've become extremely lost on weapon effects. From massive modifications to the base damage stats of cannons for things like Punch through or explosive to effects massively changing the power requirements of missile groups despite the block behavior config having the value for changing power output set to 0. Am I understanding something wrong here?

    Also, for one weapon I made testing showed that it inherited an increased power consumption based upon the percentage of effect, but kept that same power consumption if the effect was removed from the weapon. The only way to change the weapon power consumption was to link in to a different group with a different percentage.

    Also noticed that Cannons seem to have different damage values based upon effect percentage. As an example both Explosive and Punch though caused a cannon group to jump from ~2,600 damage with no effect to ~65,000 at 100% effect.
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    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
    Reaction score
    I'm getting similar issues; did not figure the punch-through effect was causing the massive AMC damage boost (from 1602 to over 40k) since removing the punch-through effect did not reduce the damage value back to expected norms.
    Boy does it ever chew through ships though.
    Nov 4, 2013
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    Yeah, the only way I found to change it back to normal was to link up the weapon to an effect computer with no effect modules attached to it.
    Nov 4, 2013
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    Put in a bug report on this since it's pretty consistently reproducable. Is there someone I should inform or is it just submitting that needs done? Bug #735.
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    Nov 4, 2013
    Reaction score
    Not sure, if I had to wager a guess I'd say server since i imagine that's where the calculations would be done. Hope it gets fixed soon so I cam use missiles with effects again without having to gut all my designs.
    Nov 4, 2013
    Reaction score
    Ok, so my bug report is getting updated saying they cannot reproduce so I'm asking for a bit of help here to confirm if I am going crazy. I've tried this on a fresh install and it works 100% of the time for me.

    Reproduction steps:
    1 Make a new missile weapon with any slave and record power
    2 Add an effect with a 1:1 effect:missile block ratio and record power
    3 Increase the effect block count to 2:1 effect:missile and record power
    4 Add a new effect computer with 0 effect modules and connect that to your weapon computer and record power

    I'm not going to post what I'm getting since I don't want to set expectations that taint results, but if this bug really exists I'd be very grateful to anyone who was willing to help me in double checking my methods.

    For extra fun you may want to try the above with a cannon main while looking at the damage per shot rather than power for each step.