Warp Gates should allow Astronauts to warp

    Jan 10, 2014
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    Hear me out on this...

    The gate is already powered, there is almost no reason to not allow this..

    Plus, then we could make man-sized stargates between stations and maybe even just as a way to get around your own station (if you can sustain that kind of power, might be tough!)

    I think this would be pretty dang fun. Maybe just give us a config for whether or not to allow it?

    If we get this config.. whew. Incoming Stargate RP servers :)


    Personally also as I side note I would like to see the gates link to other gates rather than stations, allowing a huge huge station to be a travel hub (multiple gates to many places) which would be a super cool thing to have in game for sure!

    Naturally this could be another config option, and of course said stations would have to be massive and have huge amounts of power generation...

    Here's hoping, leave a like or some feedback and we'll see what happens! Regardless, stoked for FTL travel in general, it cannot come soon enough!
    Aug 25, 2013
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    Maybe its all those Star Trek episodes I watched but I think of portals (star gates) and warp drive (FTL) separately, not combined in one term. I like the idea of star gates having sender/receiver functions that work in pairs and can be configured for a specific gate destination much like in the movie of the same name. I understand that a lot of players want these two things in the game but we should have the choice to NOT have these things also. FTL just means a quantum increase in the speed limit. Everything being relative, that changes nothing but the numbers. Instantaneous teleportation however, defeats the time/space relationship and will be a detriment to the game. (in my opinion)


    Dec 31, 2013
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    Stargate should be easy to do:

    Each gate has a primary (z) and secondary and tertiary axis (x, y).
    pp1 = Player.position - Gate1.position
    pp2 = position3D
    pp2[Gate2.depthAxis] = pp1[Gate1.depthAxis]
    pp2[Gate2.largeAxis] = pp1[Gate1.largeAxis]
    pp2[Gate2.smallAxis] = pp1[Gate1.smallAxis]
    (Player@Gate2).position = pp2.position + Gate2.position​

    If player goes through the gate, calculate position like above, but keep orientation
    • set horizontal rotation to +90° if destination's width axis matches origin's depth axis
    • set vertical orientation to +90° if destination's depth axis matches origin's height axis
    • set turn to +180° looking at gate 1 before jump XOR looking at gate 2 after jump and 90° rotation.
      • once horizontally, once vertically (0..180..360°)

    Ships can keep their current mechanic (or not), but for players this would be nice.

    StarGate does it like: If the player position is inside a block, kill the player :D
    Jan 10, 2014
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    Maybe its all those Star Trek episodes I watched but I think of portals (star gates) and warp drive (FTL) separately, not combined in one term. I like the idea of star gates having sender/receiver functions that work in pairs and can be configured for a specific gate destination much like in the movie of the same name. I understand that a lot of players want these two things in the game but we should have the choice to NOT have these things also. FTL just means a quantum increase in the speed limit. Everything being relative, that changes nothing but the numbers. Instantaneous teleportation however, defeats the time/space relationship and will be a detriment to the game. (in my opinion)
    Right, I get your reasoning, but we're going to have jump drives, warp gates, etc. These things all essentially translate to the same thing as instant transportation/teleportation.

    But I agree with you as far as it should be config'able. Some people won't want it, and that's fine. Some people really really will want it, and I think that is also fine!

    I mean, we're already basically going for a plan of pleasing everyone by adding all three major FTL ideas, why not please everyone more by adding personal gates?

    Side note, Astronaut gates should maybe have a reduced maximum distance (configurable) due to the fact that Astronauts cannot handle as much Interstellar Sublight Transportation pressure? (Lol, idk, justify it however you want, it sounded good to me...)


    Dec 31, 2013
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    *fanatic face* And slip-streams please!!! :D
    <!-- /end of joke -->

    Side note, Astronaut gates should maybe have a reduced maximum distance (configurable) due to the fact that Astronauts cannot handle as much Interstellar Sublight Transportation pressure? (Lol, idk, justify it however you want, it sounded good to me...)
    I guess once we have the requirement for shipyards and you can only spawn without shipyards stuff your limited inventory can hold, it would be a non-issue.


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    Jun 25, 2013
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    I wouldn't mind having teleporters that have a maximum distance of a sector or two for astronauts. I do not think there is any reason to have gates capable of teleporting individuals across the galaxy. Technically you can get away with it by just jumping into a core. This is StarMade, not Stargate. Three forms of FTL were implemented because they were the best ideas.
    Jun 28, 2013
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    For those who don't know, what are the names of these three and how do they work?
    gates (I like to call them relays)
    Did I mention they're all in the dev builds already? :3


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    Jun 25, 2013
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    For those who don't know, what are the names of these three and how do they work?
    Jump drives: These things are installed like regular modules on a ship. I assume any size ship is capable of using them as long as they meet the power requirements. It will drain power for the charge up (not sure what determines the charge, module size or ship size, etc...). When it is charged you can either use it directionally to propel you forward or select a specific sector within it's range. The current range is 8 sectors but that is subject to change as is all of them.

    Gates: Essentially you build a connected closed shape with the module on a station. You will need to build another gate at the destination and perhaps make them similarly sized. You must then link both stations to each other. They will have range limits as well but it will be in the number of systems, not sectors, that you can jump with these. There may be a danger of damaging parts of a ship if its too big for the gate. To use, simply fly through. Gates drain your shields after activating them. I believe the range was 8

    Hyperspace drives: These are intended for capital ships. They will likely require a very high amount of power. They are capable of warping the ship systems away. The hyperspace module is supposedly intended to act as one of the new "capital systems". Installing them will severely decrease your maneuverability. Apparently you will activate the module and have control of the ship as it warps so that you can steer it to your desired sector. The mentioned range was 16 systems I believe which is incredibly high. Either that range needs to be a bit lower or incredibly expensive. Again, all of this is just now getting implemented in dev builds. All subject to change.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    If we got big warping portal things it would be very useful for tactics, If you could make it explode when a ship is doing through it, it could chop them in half! mahahaha!!!!
    Aug 23, 2013
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    Maybe its all those Star Trek episodes I watched but I think of portals (star gates) and warp drive (FTL) separately, not combined in one term... FTL just means a quantum increase in the speed limit. Everything being relative, that changes nothing but the numbers...
    Except if all you want to do is boost your top speed that can already be done with overdrives.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    I see peoples warping into the middle of nowhere without core when they try to edit the gate :)

    Gates then must require a logic on ^^

    This gives me an idea...
    How about:
    Gate-Controller ((think about the activation block -> gravity block))
    Address-Controller(DHD) ((think about the area trigger controller))
    Address-Blocks ((think about individual area triggers))​
    Jun 29, 2013
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    I really am liking this general idea. I tried for about 30 minutes to get my astronaut to warp through a "stargate". Nothing happened and I was sad. luckily, I had a core and finally got through. (also, targeting of the warpgate inside structures is a bit off. I spawned at the opposite gate outside of my station (and the gate had PLENTY of room inside.)
    We need to get on this and see if it can be implemented into the game. POST MOAR COMMENTS!
    Jan 10, 2014
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    The way gates work currently it doesn't put you right on the gate on the other side, this is likely to avoid potential collisions.

    I don't think this should be changed, but for man-gates we need it to be.. So, how about potentially a different computer / module altogether for man-gates that are very precise.


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    Jun 25, 2013
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    Why do we need jump gates AND personal gates? Can't we like mix it up a bit. Teleporters?
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    Jun 19, 2014
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    Gimme teleporters!
    They should also work on ships. Maybe you could set up a whole ship to ship tp system. Now that would be cool.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    If gate blocks are invisible and walk-through, it should be possible to have a 2x2y1z or 3x3y1z gate too.