ViB's Shipyard or Something...

    Feb 13, 2016
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    47 which ViB shows off some ships he's built:

    So, I don't have a faction or a cool RP backstory or anything like that yet to justify having a "Shipyard," but I like to pretend that I have fans who are actually interested and looking forward to seeing the awesome(ish) ships I've been building. With that in mind, I decided to make this here compendium of screenshots showing off my ship designs for all of my imaginary fans to enjoy! And so, without further ado,

    Welcome to Vader_is_Bored's "Shipyard Or Something..."!

    ViB's Ship Collage 1.jpg

    Today we will be studying the many fine vessels designed and built by the illustrious Master Builder known as Vader_is_Bored (aka ViB), starting with his oldest design and working our way towards the present.

    1. ISS Indestructible
    First we have the results of "Battleship Design Attempt 1" (BS1) resulting in the ship "ISS Indestructible". Unfortunately, there are no pictures of this ship because it was built before ViB learned about blueprints and so, when he fitted it with an AI module to fight off pirates, it promptly flew off into space and was never seen again.

    2. The Eye of Eridani
    ViB's second build worth mentioning is "The Eye of Eridani". This vessel was built as a result of ViB's first visit to the Starmade Dock, where he realized that everyone else's ships were way better than anything he could imagine, much less build. But, he noticed that almost all the ships looked like ships humans would build, so maybe if he built something alien looking, it would at least stand out and be unique. This vessel became ViB's first contribution to Community Content.

    3. BS2 - Rendition Class
    Okay, trying to write about myself in the third person is starting to hurt my brain, so enough of that. This was my second major attempt to build a "battleship" by which I meant an extra-badass looking ship with lots of guns and firepower (Thus the working name of BS2). I think I was pretty successful in that regard. This thing turned out rather kick-ass looking and it packs a punch. However, I made some major rookie mistakes with regards to its turrets, so its in mothballs until I get inspired to re-do them all. (Also, I'm a little sentimentally attached to this ship, as my first good build, so don't expect to see this one in Community Content any time soon.)

    4. BS3
    After my "success" with the Rendition Class, I tried to build a bigger, better battleship with a color scheme that looked like a "good guy" would drive it. The result? A big, fat, ugly space plane named BS3. I gave up on this one quickly because it was turning out so stupid and boring looking. Only worthwhile feature is the grand staircase inside that leads from the bridge to the core tunnel. Take my word for it, it looks fk'n beautiful! And I learned a lot about using charged circuits for dramatic illumination in the process.

    5. Battleship: Barad Dur
    I can honestly say I have absolutely no idea what inspired me to make this ship, but it is by far the coolest thing I have done in Starmade yet! And its available for download in the Community Content section! See the link in my Sig for the full details.

    6. BS4
    After my success with Barad Dur, I made another attempt at a "conventional" looking ship. And failed again. This was my biggest, most powerful ship yet, but still very boring to work on and I quickly lost interest. Apparently, even though I am really awed and impressed by everyone else's conventional looking ships, I just don't have the ability to make one of my own. Oh well, back to making ships for bad guys!

    7. The Dark Shard
    This one is pretty interesting. First of all, as you can see, the final result looks fk'n awesome! This started as an attempt to build a smaller combat vessel designed for direct action, no reliance on turrets (other than PD). Basically a very large fighter, in terms of capabilities. The result of that was the front half of what you see in the pics. And it was pretty good, but I had to sacrifice on power and shields to make it look that awesome. So then I had a "genius" idea: what if I used the new fleet stuff to make a detachable docked reactor/shield recharger?!? And so that became the large aft section you see in the pics. The is a ship remote that will detach the aft section on command and the Carrier Recall fleet command can be used to reconnect it. The concept was to keep the aft support module attached when fighting big ships and drop it (to increase speed and maneuverability) when fighting small ships. And it works, but the whole thing suffers from Jack of All Trades syndrome. I'm sure I'll revisit the whole concept in the future once I've gotten more comfortable with docked reactors. Anyway, this one will be going up on Community Content as soon as I remember to export it and take some more screenshots.

    8. Fimbrulvinter
    My first attempt to build a true "battleship" or "lesser titan". I had this whole idea in my head for a possible NPC Faction called the "Sons of Jötunheimr" based on some distant ice planet that flew around in a fleet of ships that looked like giant ice crystals. So, I started working on this 600m ice themed flagship. Turns out I may not have the patience for a ship that big. I kind lost interest when it came time to design the primary turrets for the thing; so this ting is on hold until I'm struck by inspiration for a turret to go with this ship. Also, I'm kind of bothered by how boring its hull looks from close up, but, when you see it from a long distance away, it does look pretty freaking awesome!

    9. BS5
    Yes, I am working on yet another Battleship project, but so far this one going great! I've already spun off a sweet looking cruiser and battlecruiser in the same style as the under construction battleship. Apparently an "evil" color scheme is the key to keeping myself interested. No pics yet, but when this baby is done, you, my imaginary fans, are going to be very impressed!
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