The Verkit Industries Engineers have been busy, and have created a Mechanical Suit to aid in multiple tasks the average space-farer may need, from repairs to salvage. Just slap on the attachment you want, and your ready to go!*
Anyway, here is a pic of the four variants:
We have, from left to right: The Power_Suit, which comes with PowerDrain AND PowerSupply technology, a very decent latest advancement, the Repair_Suit, hosting a decent PainterBeam,** which makes it look like you replaired your ship. Next is the Salvage_Suit, prefixed with a CleanupThemess Cannon. Last but not least, is the Fighter_Suit,*** which is home to a CreateThemess Anti-Matter Cannon.
*Slapping on of attachments is not only not possible, but not reccommended either. Much mechanical work is neededd to swap mechanisms.
**PainterBeam does nott actually paint blocks.
***Fighter_Suit features a blue shoulder stripe which is not shown in picture.