- Cooldown on cloak and jam, server.cfg settable. Default around 6+ seconds seems fair. Decrease power consumption slightly to balance
- Let scanners work with logic
- Let jump computers work (charge up) with logic
- Permanent faction chat mode. I always see people screw up and spill secret faction chatstuffs when it was unintentional.
- Player ignore checkbox through leaderboard (tab)
- Teleporter blocks. Cycles the astronaut to the next one in the ship/planet whatever. Or just link them together with the marker beam. You can teleport with docked cores but you shouldn't have to
- Page Up/Page down support for scrolling menus. All of us cool GamerFuel© powered players have good mice with these button on them, would make scrolling through menus easier
- Increase the inventory GUI size! PLEASE. Those of us with post 1996 resolutions shouldn't have to scroll through our inventory menu to see everything
- A separate planet render distance option. My PC setup isn't completely awful and it chugs hard when planets are rendering
- Option to disable loot clouds, or optimize them better. If you dunk a huge pirate, rip framerate
- New blueprint option to pull parts from local chests, or attached chests to your build mode entity. Will help organization for factions and make building ships from BP more efficient
- Make it so AI isn't completely worthless vs. jamming. It's too cheap energy wise. Maybe just a heavy accuracy decrease (and no locking-on) or something. Make it not drop out after a hit.