Anyone who has tried to balance AI on a server, or who has played on many different servers knows that the current AI has two settings really; omnipotent, and totally useless. Either they hit every target square on, or they are so inaccurate that you might as well not even try.
I suggest that the "Bobby AI Module" which is long overdue for a refit concurrent with the "Fleet Command" update include a mechanism to vary its performance.
This could easily work by changing the AI module block itself into a storage module, into which various components are installed. Under the current system, that would just be something to increase the accuracy, but there are other options if Schema is willing to code for them. There would also be a limited number of slots to work with to prevent overpowered AI.
Assume 10 slots.
Some of these options could be:
1. Accuracy. Increases the accuracy of the AI by a certain percentage. I suggest an increase of 5% per accuracy slot, with a base accuracy 20-40%. A fully accurate AI should be pretty nearly infallible at shooting targets it responds to.
2. Detection Range: How far out will the AI notice other ships/Targets. I suggest a baseline that is fairly low, able to be expanded in three or four modules out to maximum player detection range. It should be impossible to have both full accuracy and full detection.
3. Initiative: Does the AI do things on its own? I suggest that base initiative should leave the AI module only attacking when ordered, or when attacked. Additional initiative chips should push it, first up to attacking hostile targets within the detection range, then attacking neutral, then attacking EVERYBODY. You probably don't need more than one of these, unless you just hate people.
**Key Point: The ability to attach healing, power recharge, and shield recharge beams to a turret**
4. Target Modifier: Baseline AI should specifically attack ships and turrets. If you want it to attack missiles, players, or stations, you need a target modifier chip to attack that specific target. You should be able to equip multiple target modifiers, but this will take up valuable module space.
**Key Point: Most players will probably not have a personnel target modifier on their turrets: Astronaut boarding will be MUCH more feasible**
5. Chat Module: Permits the AI to initiate a short chat command upon certain conditions. This should be able to contain variables "player name" "location" and "ship name" and transmit under conditions "Detected ship" "Attacking ship". It should be able to use a local form of chat (if that exists someday) and faction chat. This is probably the most useful and complicated piece.
6. Activation module. This will enable the AI module to use activation module blocks, for turning on police lights, or launching fighters.
If the storage/module system does not appeal, this system can easily be implemented with a simple menu accessed just like the current AI settings menu is, but I prefer the option for players to have cheaper, and less effective AI. This could also permit servers to operate custom AI ships of various behavior. All ships would have to use an AI module if they wish to operate without humans.
Now have a pretty picture of a spaceship
#7: Local AI order system: Gives order to local AI that are in range to "Attack target I am attacking" This can have advantages, and disadvantages.
#8 Evasion Chip: the AI will attempt to flee combat rather than attack a target. If you shoot this ship, it will run away rather than shooting at you.
I suggest that the "Bobby AI Module" which is long overdue for a refit concurrent with the "Fleet Command" update include a mechanism to vary its performance.
This could easily work by changing the AI module block itself into a storage module, into which various components are installed. Under the current system, that would just be something to increase the accuracy, but there are other options if Schema is willing to code for them. There would also be a limited number of slots to work with to prevent overpowered AI.
Assume 10 slots.
Some of these options could be:
1. Accuracy. Increases the accuracy of the AI by a certain percentage. I suggest an increase of 5% per accuracy slot, with a base accuracy 20-40%. A fully accurate AI should be pretty nearly infallible at shooting targets it responds to.
2. Detection Range: How far out will the AI notice other ships/Targets. I suggest a baseline that is fairly low, able to be expanded in three or four modules out to maximum player detection range. It should be impossible to have both full accuracy and full detection.
3. Initiative: Does the AI do things on its own? I suggest that base initiative should leave the AI module only attacking when ordered, or when attacked. Additional initiative chips should push it, first up to attacking hostile targets within the detection range, then attacking neutral, then attacking EVERYBODY. You probably don't need more than one of these, unless you just hate people.
**Key Point: The ability to attach healing, power recharge, and shield recharge beams to a turret**
4. Target Modifier: Baseline AI should specifically attack ships and turrets. If you want it to attack missiles, players, or stations, you need a target modifier chip to attack that specific target. You should be able to equip multiple target modifiers, but this will take up valuable module space.
**Key Point: Most players will probably not have a personnel target modifier on their turrets: Astronaut boarding will be MUCH more feasible**
5. Chat Module: Permits the AI to initiate a short chat command upon certain conditions. This should be able to contain variables "player name" "location" and "ship name" and transmit under conditions "Detected ship" "Attacking ship". It should be able to use a local form of chat (if that exists someday) and faction chat. This is probably the most useful and complicated piece.
6. Activation module. This will enable the AI module to use activation module blocks, for turning on police lights, or launching fighters.
If the storage/module system does not appeal, this system can easily be implemented with a simple menu accessed just like the current AI settings menu is, but I prefer the option for players to have cheaper, and less effective AI. This could also permit servers to operate custom AI ships of various behavior. All ships would have to use an AI module if they wish to operate without humans.
Now have a pretty picture of a spaceship

#7: Local AI order system: Gives order to local AI that are in range to "Attack target I am attacking" This can have advantages, and disadvantages.
#8 Evasion Chip: the AI will attempt to flee combat rather than attack a target. If you shoot this ship, it will run away rather than shooting at you.
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