Utility Spaceship contest - Vote here!

    Vote for the best Utility Spaceship here! (Do not vote on your own ships)

    • BI - T1 Mineral Salvager - Maranello

      Votes: 2 16.7%
    • Refueling Ship MK-1 - Creeper_God

      Votes: 0 0.0%
    • Rex - mattej

      Votes: 2 16.7%
    • Salvage Drone - GalactusX

      Votes: 0 0.0%
    • Remanent - jzimmerman4

      Votes: 2 16.7%
    • Cyberpusher - Megacrafter127

      Votes: 1 8.3%
    • AS-vLM1-ant - Azereiah

      Votes: 1 8.3%
    • Rendii Utility Corvette - Ixalite

      Votes: 0 0.0%
    • SAL-MKX - Fenius

      Votes: 2 16.7%
    • Eldmosa - ArgoContar

      Votes: 9 75.0%
    • UCS SV-3402-A2 Froe - Sven_The_Slayer

      Votes: 1 8.3%
    • BI - T1 Asteroid Salvager - Maranello

      Votes: 6 50.0%
    • UCS SV-18114-A1 Maul - Sven_The_Slayer

      Votes: 3 25.0%
    • AS-TS-Mule - Azereiah

      Votes: 1 8.3%
    • LDCT "AI" Tortoise cargo ship - Nauvran

      Votes: 3 25.0%
    • OMP (Orbital Mining Plattform) - TheOppwnent

      Votes: 8 66.7%
    • The galactus - Keptick

      Votes: 4 33.3%

    • Total voters
    • Poll closed .
    Aug 16, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 6
    • Competition Winner - Stations
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    Utility Spaceship Contest
    The latest release to starmade revealed to us that crafting and mining will be quite important in future gameplay. After searching the community content for quite some time, I found out that there were very few salvage ships available for download, so I decided to make one myself. To encourage people to do the same I hosted a Utility ship contest, so the StarMade community can download some really cool, and functional ships.

    Although not every ship on this list is downloadable, I hope they can be a source of inspiration for you guys to build enjoyable, useful ships in the future!


    • at the moment there isnt any prize or reward yet, other than fame, and the winner-title, but feel free to come up with ideas to rewards.


    • The ship must have some sort of function in the game (mining, repair, etc.) Combat-salvagers (or battle-miner) will be allowed. Everything that have some functionality in game other than weapons, is allowed.
    • practicality is important, since people actually will use these ships.
    • Design will be quite important. It doesnt have to be super beautiful, but its important that things looks like it's supposed to be exactly where it is (for instance a structure that looks sturdy) Interior will also be judged as a part of the overall design.
    • ships that encourage people to team up as a crew in one ship is a big plus in this contest (Not required).
    • ships fitted with Logic that make sence, is not required, but helps the design to become more "alive" and therefore more interesting. User-friendliness is also important to logic added to ships.
    • enjoyable features and overall design.

    Small utility-ship

      • (1-10 000) blocks
    No download (yet)

    Small salvage/repair ship. It is not intended for front line action, built with cost in mind, and only enough shielding to block flying space debris. The crane is actually a repair turret. The salvage beams face forward through the drill. This ship would be great to keep around your base for refitting your war ships as they come and go from battle.

    Download: http://starmadedock.net/content/rex.1703/

    Hi all people, you never thought, what happens to the ships with AI module that you lose yourself, turrets or drones?

    Simple, they join the federation of free droids, example is this salvage drone

    Download: http://starmadedock.net/threads/clo...st-salvage-repair-powersupply-etc.4162/page-3

    The Remanent is a hi-tech salvager designed to clean up after massive battles. It also is fully functional as a very effective resource gatherer.
    -Multiple quick fire salvage beams
    -Jump drive

    Download: http://starmadedock.net/content/remanent-salvager.1750/

    A utility ship built in a distinctive style heavily involving circuits. (pushbeam ship)

    Download: http://starmadedock.net/content/cyberpusher.1706/

    Dual overdriven machineguns, totaling 20/20/20
    Single antenna scanner
    Medium-slow jump drive
    Salvage Computer

    Download: http://starmadedock.net/content/as-vlm1-ant.1643/

    After the Exodus, the Rendii empire's population was even further reduced, and crew requirements for the old MK I utility ships began to show the strain. The Answer presented was the MK II Utility corvette.

    Download: http://starmadedock.net/content/rendii-utility-corvette.1663/

    Personal Combat Miner.

    Download: http://starmadedock.net/content/sal-mkx.1689/

    Just a little salvager i made a while ago, though i have no idea how effective the salvage array is now after the changes. It comes with a full interior, as well as a jumpdrive for fast travel and missiles in case those pesky pirates try to take your ores. :)

    Also features my one time use of "magnetic beams" to extend and retract different parts of the ship.

    Download: http://starmadedock.net/content/eldmosa.1816/

    The Froe is classified as a Siege Salvager. She is designed to be able to raid pirate stations and fend off the defensive forces guarding them. Her prominent offensive weapon is two damage optimized Mb462 IR missile pods. She is also a rather efficient harvester with a Sc-27x10 Harvester Beam and automatic storage.

    While capable of being operated by a single pilot she has life support and fold out cots for two but no dedicated shower facilities so you'd better pick a co-pilot you're comfortable with. She also has a jump drive for longer journeys but it's not a very fast one.

    Download: http://starmadedock.net/content/ucs-sv-3402-a2-froe.1833/

    Medium-sized utility-ship

      • (10 001-100 000) blocks
    BI Asteroid Salvager is a salvage ship specially
    designed for mining asteroids. The ship has
    logic-powered lights which can be controlled
    from the bridge of the ship.

    This salvage-ship currently have 2 salvage systems installed:
    - Big turret salvager
    - Smaller precision salvager

    Download: http://starmadedock.net/content/bi-asteroid-salvager.1778/

    The Maul is the pride of the mining corps. She's a fully equipped light frigate with all the amenities. Her massive Sc-115x10 Harvester Beam makes light work of asteroids and is fairly good at chewing away at planets. The automatic material collection system will also automatically sort your spoils. The Maul may not be a combat salvager but the on board defense turrets should protect you from light pirate raids.

    Designed to keep a crew of 12 comfortable she has medical and dedicated shower facilities, as well as a galley/kitchen. The Maul has two UCS SMART Airlocks for entering the ship as well and small cargo bay needed to store supplies for long journeys as the ship has no nutrition producing facilities.

    While she doesn't have a dedicated landing pad like the Axe the Maul does have two docking clamps for Chisels or similarly size craft or up to 4 L0 cargo pods.

    Download: http://starmadedock.net/content/ucs-sv-18114-a1-maul.1834/

    It's a Small-Medium Cargo Ship with a detailed interior, weighing in at ~1400 mass.

    Includes two cargo crates and eight point defense turrets, because pirates with missiles are mean and cost you money.

    No Download (yet)

    The ship was created to transport goods across the solar systems although it was first later when the LDCT bought the shipyard that the Tortoise was equipped with a jump drive.
    The ship is a small long distance transportation ship for cargo. the crew consists of minimal 3 members although 5 is recommended.
    The Tortoise's main defences is it's "speed", shield capacity and 3 small turrets that have been implemented in case of meteor rain.

    Download: http://starmadedock.net/content/ldct-al-tortoise-cargo-ship.1812/

    Role: Dedicated to Planetary Mining but Also good for Asteroids and other stuff

    Inspiration: Oil Rigs

    - 2 Salvage Turrets for ya Pals (Or put Guns on them if u dont have any Friends)
    - Mines where the hell it wants when the hell it wants (Antigrav and Jamming)
    - Insane Old school Grav Lift
    - A tiny Statue of Zeus the Ruler of Gods
    - Features Cool Holo Table, Salvager Animation,Doors to Turrets,Sensors and a Jump drive (possible second coming soon)
    - Plenty of Room for Personal internal Customization (Totally not Unfinished)
    - Transport Shuttle that isnt actually there yet
    - Easy Storage Access for Loading Ore into said nonexistant Shuttlecraft
    - Expensive Enough to do the Job, Cheap enough for mass use

    Download: http://starmadedock.net/threads/clo...st-salvage-repair-powersupply-etc.4162/page-3

    Large utility-Ship

      • (100 001 - >) blocks
    an overkill combat miner.
    Fits in the large utility ship category (41k mass).

    No Download (yet)

    Last edited:
    Aug 16, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 6
    • Competition Winner - Stations
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    Poll should be up within 24 hours (hopefully) and be open for 7 days


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Master Builder Bronze
    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Legacy Citizen 10
    Poll should be up within 24 hours (hopefully) and be open for 7 days
    shall we say no voting for your own ships?
    just so people dont go around only voting for their own stuff
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Competition Winner - Stations
    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Legacy Citizen 10
    I feel like everyone should of had one vote for the different classes as it looks like most people, including myself, only voted for the larger ships.