So I saw a suggestions regarding putting logic blocks in a computer "grid" block to decrease the size of logic circuits and it reminded me of the old Play Station game that I used to play called Carnage Heart. Basically the player designs there own hardware and software for thier mech armys. The player doesn't get direct control in combat. He can only watch is AI circuits in action. You get to control every aspect of how the AI will act and react to every situation. And it's realy simple for anybody to be able to learn the programming. This is how the Carnage Heart grid programming system works: ( you can see in the top left hand corner the mech useing the grid programming)
Then I though wouldn't it be cool if Starmade incorporated a similar system to program the bobby AIs. A bobby AI could be replaced with an AI circuit chip. The circuit chips should be up-loadable, down-loadable, and shareable. This way players who aren't good a programming can still benefit from players who are.
Then I though wouldn't it be cool if Starmade incorporated a similar system to program the bobby AIs. A bobby AI could be replaced with an AI circuit chip. The circuit chips should be up-loadable, down-loadable, and shareable. This way players who aren't good a programming can still benefit from players who are.
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