I figured displays would be better, for the ability to add things to them. That way you can have different displays to do interesting things, for example, having many displays to put together hull. You could set it up for a variable controlling the color, the type of hull, and whether it's armor or not, or if it's a wedge/hepta/tetra. IDK, might be more difficult than the alternative.This is very inspired. I'd like to see this as well, but possibly just changing factory production like rails might work better?
[item] <item name>; <quantity>;
[item]cannon; 10;
[item]salvage computer; 2;
[item]grey hull; 0;
[item]missile tube; 15; [item]plex door; 5;
[add][item]gravity module; 2;
[add][item]gravity module; -5;
[item]cannon; 100;
[item]salvage computer; 20;