Update Time! Yay! :D!
I've been sitting on the deflector control room for about a month now and I decided to throw it in with the rest of the updates. I'll start off with some things that have been updated that haven't gotten their own updates in quite a while.
The Bridge during Red Alert. The rest of the ship also goes into Red Alert when its called on the bridge. It's standard Starfleet procedure to make it so your bridge officers can't see where the f*** they're walking and bump into things during an emergency.
Blast doors close over the entire 3 deck high command tower of the Vengeance during Red Alert. ^-^
Main shot of Deflector Control situated directly behind the deflector.
Another Shot of the actual 'meat' behind the deflector dish. ^-^
Energy Beams because why not?!... Lets be honest, they're probably Tachyons...
The main shuttle bay of Vengeance, still trying to come up with a variety of different auxiliary craft to fill it with >.> so it's mostly empty right now.
Another shot of the obnoxiously large Shuttle Bay.
The main runway that shuttles raise to from the giant door and fly out the still unfinished shuttle bay door I've been arguing with the shape of for a very long time >.>
A shot of the sub-optimal cranes to load and offload stored runabouts and cargo.
The larger than originally intended multi-level shuttle traffic control tower. I have officially dubbed it: "The Fish Tank"
It's extremely empty because I have no clue what to even start putting in it xD
A shot of the about 95% complete nacelles. I'm still unhappy with the Pylons. They're missing something, I just haven't decided what yet.
The finished nacelle exhaust that I took creative freedom with because the actual exhaust is just a big boring blue wall >.>
A nice dorsal shot of the entire ship, really starting to come together :D
And here's a nice little bonus screenshot of the entrance to one of the officer's quarters inside the ship xD