Universe Generation Suggestions

    Mar 15, 2015
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    I'm suggesting a few ways to improve how the universe spawns.

    Galaxy Types
    There would be 3 galaxy types; spiral, irregular, and elliptical. Elliptical galaxies would account for 1/5 of all galaxies, but would appear no less than 5 galaxy sectors away from spawn. This is because they would be massive, hard, and would be very rewarding. Irregulars would be small and have no definite shape.

    Galaxy Centers
    Every galaxy except irregulars would have a supermassive black hole at the center. Each supermassive black hole would act as an intergalactic wormhole, like the wormholes that stretch across a single galaxy, supermassive black holes would take you to a regular black hole in another galaxy. However, due to the strength of the supermassive blackhole though, it would require over 1 million shield power for the ship to be able to make it. Upon entering, you would instantly lose 1 million shield power, and if you have less, your ship would explode. If it has more, it will go in just fine. However, unless you find another black hole going back to the starting galaxy, you would have no way back.

    Less Galaxies
    It's kind of annoying seeing all of the galaxies in game in a very specific pattern. It would look a lot nicer if there was just emptiness in between some of them.

    Bigger Galaxies/more size variation
    It would be more fun to map out galaxies if there was more galaxy to discover. The smallest natural galaxies would be about as big as they are now, and the biggest would stretch out almost as far as a galaxy sectors goes.

    Less Stations
    Sorry but stations are just way too common. Honestly I like having them not being impossible to find, but it's kind of annoying how you can practically spot one in every other sector, especially in sectors without stars.

    Pirate Shops
    It would be cool to see pirate shops or "blackmarkets". They would be about as rare as advanced shops. Pirate shops could be both normal and advanced like regular shops. Advanced blackmarkets however would be extremely rare. Blackmarkets would let you buy items that couldn't be produced or bought from the Trading Guild, but for a pretty expensive price. As a start, this would include: Dark Matter Beam (module and computer), Plasma Missile, and Wormhole Generator. The dark matter beam would essentially just be a repair beam 3 times faster than the astrotech one. It's base price would be 20000 for the computer, 2000 for the module. The plasma missile would be like a regular missile, except on a ship without a shield, it would be able to keep going forward without disappearing. for 5 seconds once it has hit something. It's base price would be 40000 for the computer and 4000 for the module. The wormhole generator would be an insanely good jump drive, but with some more limitations. It would also work a bit differently. It consumes energy only marginally better than a regular jump drive. What makes it unique however, is that it would be able to go an infinite distance, but the farther you go, the more energy it would cost. This is why you'd charge it after you choose where to go. The computer's base price would be 100000 credits and the module would be 10000.

    Leveled Systems
    The level is a multiplier of how hard the system is. The starting system would be 1, but the farther you move out, the harder they become. For example, a system that is level 93 would be 93 times harder than a level 1 system. The highest possible level would be 100. Systems without stars would tend to be lower leveled. There would also occasionally be pockets of lower leveled systems which you could call a safe haven. The kind of star in a system would also affect it's level. As said before, systems without stars would tend to be less harsh, and also be less colonized. Black hole systems, due to having no structures in it, would always be level 0. White stars would be pretty moderate, usually being lower leveled then the other colored stars around it, but with all star systems it would be possible to be up to level 100 besides for black holes. Levels of systems are also directly related to the level of stars around it. Giant stars are also always noticeably more dangerous than it's non giant counterpart. Yellow stars would be usually significantly lower leveled than stars around it, being pretty safe. Bright yellow stars would have a difficulty only a little bit less harsh than an average star. Red stars would be fairly harder than average white stars, and bright red stars would be the same as normal red stars. Light blue stars would be a lot harder than regular stars, and normal blue stars would be the most challenging. Starless systems would rarely go above level 10. Lastly, system with more stars (binary systems) = systems with more challenge.
    Jul 24, 2013
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    I like the level system.
    you spawn on the edge of the galaxy,maybe level 1 or 3 difficulty systems..and you work your way in to the center of the galaxy,where you can grow faster,mine more,etc. but ofcourse,as you get closer to the center,the higher the level=harder/more common/stronger pirates.
    you grow your fleet,build bigger as you go,to get to the center.
    nice end goal possibly?
    Mar 15, 2015
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    I like the level system.
    you spawn on the edge of the galaxy,maybe level 1 or 3 difficulty systems..and you work your way in to the center of the galaxy,where you can grow faster,mine more,etc. but ofcourse,as you get closer to the center,the higher the level=harder/more common/stronger pirates.
    you grow your fleet,build bigger as you go,to get to the center.
    nice end goal possibly?
    Yeah, also sounds a lot like what No Man's Sky is going to be about.
    Mar 15, 2015
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    I knew someone is gonna say that,so what if it does? we could do something similar but also expand on the idea.
    i agree, No Man's Sky is just what popped into my head with that idea. I guess it would already be a lot different with this game knowing that galaxies are smaller and theres multiple galaxies.
    Aug 21, 2015
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    What is it that makes the galactic center more difficult? It's just a denser clustering of stars + possibly a central black hole. I think this would definitely make it more dangerous from an environmental standpoint, but I don't see the point in also expecting more powerful pirates, more gems, etc. It all just feels a little too gamey and arbitrary. Same thing with difficulties tied to star colors. Does a blue star give off light that makes everything around it get superpowers? Why would things be harder there?

    I like the idea of more dangerous places, though. It would be fun venturing towards the galactic core and encountering more suns to maneuver around, more nebulae, sectors where cosmic radiation was deadly, or where clouds of super-hot gas illuminated everything and damaged your ship if it touched them. Possibly even non-warping black holes which would mercilessly crush and consume your ship if you got too close and could not escape.

    Pirates, though, should cluster where there is trade and/or traffic and/or wealth. Mining should be best in older star systems with rocky planets, where planetary impacts, tidal forces from large objects, and exploding suns have taken their toll and created cracked planets and large asteroid belts. It removes some of the reasons for exploration for me if I know the game is going to railroad me into the center of the galaxy for a challenge every time I play it.


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    What is it that makes the galactic center more difficult? It's just a denser clustering of stars + possibly a central black hole. I think this would definitely make it more dangerous from an environmental standpoint, but I don't see the point in also expecting more powerful pirates, more gems, etc. It all just feels a little too gamey and arbitrary. Same thing with difficulties tied to star colors. Does a blue star give off light that makes everything around it get superpowers? Why would things be harder there?

    It's all about gravity and basic physics.

    Same way you see higher density planets near stars, you may also see higher density materials closer to the galactic core. High radiation and high heat means high amounts of collectible "free" energy, too, so any intelligent species that advanced to a spacefaring stage would have fewer fuel requirements, and the usage of solar sails means that they're able to spread their empires out faster than anything further out towards the galactic edges. Hydrogen isn't very useful compared to, say, Uranium and Iron - both of which are useful to spacefaring societies.

    Blue stars are blue because they have a much higher energy output and heat level. They produce more dense materials, as well. Any society that forms in the vicinity of a blue giant star near the galactic core and successfully advances to spacefaring stages would instantly have access to ridiculous amounts of resources.

    in short: they're tougher because they have to be to survive the heat and radiation, and they're tougher because they have more resources than anyone else for less effort
    Aug 21, 2015
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    Blue stars are blue because they have a much higher energy output and heat level. They produce more dense materials, as well. Any society that forms in the vicinity of a blue giant star near the galactic core and successfully advances to spacefaring stages would instantly have access to ridiculous amounts of resources.
    I like the idea of harvesting free energy from solar radiation or hot gas clouds int interstellar nebulae. However, I don't know if Blue stars really would help out as much as you think. Blue stars do burn heavier materials, but the heavier materials are by and large inside the star, so hard to get to. They are also 10s of thousands of times brighter than our sun, which means it would be very hard to live close to them. Lastly, blue stars often end with a supernova, not particularly favorable to those civilizations that build around them :p
    Jul 31, 2013
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    I love the ideas. Spot on for most of it. But on some servers it's the fringe and starless systems that are meant to be harder, moving out and up in difficulty from the galactic center, with deep void between galaxies being the most dangerous (but perhaps where the rarest stations and ships hide).


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    Yeah, also sounds a lot like what No Man's Sky is going to be about.
    Spore has a system that works exactly like what skylord mentioned, and it's how many years old? So I wouldn't worry about copying no man's sky, since everyone would just be copying spore :P
    Mar 15, 2015
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    You forgot lenticular/disc galaxies.
    Isn't the first one still technically a spiral galaxy? I don't remember being such thing as a disc galaxy. The first one looks kind of like both a spiral and elliptical galaxy, but the second one looks like it's just an elliptical


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Elliptical galaxies are... kind of plump; they're M&M-shaped. Disc galaxies proper are flat... Like spirals without the spiral.
    Mar 15, 2015
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    Elliptical galaxies are... kind of plump; they're M&M-shaped. Disc galaxies proper are flat... Like spirals without the spiral.
    The second one though looked more elliptical though, and i didn't really see any disc shape in it besides for those few darker bands of gas.

    As for the first one, I think I can see a few faint spirals in it