Understanding stike7g5!


    Mandalorian Shipwright
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Greetings Fellow citizens!

    As of results of recent events, I have been brought aboard as a Moderator for the StarMadeDocks. And has become clear to me that not everyone is not all to familiar about me, I have deemed it necessary to basically introduce myself, as I look forward to serving the community to the best of my ability.

    Basic Information:
    Sex: Male
    Birthday: April 15
    Residence: Southern Ontario, Canada
    StarMade Player type: Builder

    All this can be discerned from my profile page on the forums.

    I am currently enrolled in post secondary education (College) in Ontario and I am in year 2 of 3, My field of study is Computer Systems Technology, Network Engineering and Security Analyst. In more layman's terms I am working to become a Systems Administrator with a specialty in networks and network security. I have also spent 3 years of my high school (Secondary education) studying computer technology (hardware) computer systems (software development) and system administration in both admin and it help desk type scenarios. Basically what I am getting at is that I chose my career path of becoming a Technician/ Administrator at an early age.

    Most of my professional work experiences have been related directly to customer services, but I have also worked as a Computer Help Desk Technician at my local Hospital for a year. My Non-professional work experience stems a 10 year span on a moderation team at various different levels of responsibilities. My lowest level responsibility was on a Pokemon + Minecraft server as a chat/ game helper. assuring the server rules were followed and that new and old members were brought up to date with new information about the game or various changes implemented by the higher levels of moderators/ administrators. My biggest venture to date though is the creation, curation, moderation and general upkeep of the Serene Horizons Build Server and Gaming Community.

    I have been a member of the StarMadeDocks since Jun 24, 2013, as well as the old StarMade site before that, and I have been playing the game since Spring/Summer of 2012 shortly after its release. For as long as I have been playing the game I have always been a Builder, specializing in role play orientated replicas of numerous Sci-Fi franchises, particularly Star Wars! I am by no means biased to any other build styles and franchises, I believe all are equal, it is just that I love Star Wars and since another one of my hobbies besides Gaming is Visual Arts, I feel as if I can fully express myself in StarMade by being able to build Star Wars ships.

    So that way you can better understand and know who I am, I will answer almost any questions you have for me (Nothing too personal, I will let you know if I will not answer a question asked and as to why) Frequently asked questions I will edit into this post for ease of access to anyone viewing this thread. Please Respect the rules and guidelines of the SMD Forums which can be found here, in which we are all held accountable to follow.

    I look forward to serving the community and Bring about new found serenity to the horizons of SMD


    Nov 30, 2015
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    Okay then... real basic question (with a fair bit of scope as to the whole "who the hell are you?" you're apparently recieving):

    Starmade history (bit more detail please)? - particularly in game, online stuff, so we can get an idea of "who the hell are you?"

    oh, and in the words of a weird 1980s british tv show: "welcome, stranger!" :)


    Professional Lurker
    Sep 6, 2016
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    I remember your application, it was well written.
    I hope you can do well by the community.


    Mandalorian Shipwright
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Do you have any experience with actually moderating forums or chatrooms?
    Yes I do actually numerous communities that I have belonged to, help run or created had a forums/ chat function integrated within. Communities such as Gamers Union International (GUI) and Community of Gamers International (CGI) both of which to my knowledge have fallen out due to conflicts among the owners. But my most recent venture in Moderating Forums and or Chat has been the Serene Horizons, for a couple years the Horizons laid on a more private (invite only) terms but has since come out as a public Community, with a whitelisted Server, You can see the Thread post regarding the Horizons here

    Okay then... real basic question (with a fair bit of scope as to the whole "who the hell are you?" you're apparently recieving):

    Starmade history (bit more detail please)? - particularly in game, online stuff, so we can get an idea of "who the hell are you?"

    oh, and in the words of a weird 1980s british tv show: "welcome, stranger!" :)
    As to more history in regards to my StarMade career, is that I usually tend to stay away from PvP servers, only because my main focus, as in what I love to do most is sculpt the best looking ships that I can. This is coming from my love of the visual arts. But I do work with PvP clans when it comes to building more PvP orientated ships, More focus on the exterior elements and systems as regards to what I usually build as RP orientated Replicas. As stated above I have been effectively playing the game since Spring/Summer of 2012 and I am still quite active in regards of building. Recently I have posted on my build thread: S.H.A.D.E.

    To get a better understanding of my works here are some examples:
    8' x 4' acrylic on canvas

    11" x 8.5" Pencil sketch of Mudkip

    and for StarMade Releases, these I consider some of my best
    Lambda-Class T4a Shuttle (with eject-able Cockpit/Escape Pod | 1:1 scale)

    CR-90 Corellian Corvette (In Both Tantive IV and Liberator variants)
    This one was a joint build with WhiteFaulken

    Theta-Class T2c Shuttle

    Fury-Class Interceptor (SWTOR)

    And My largest to-date build
    Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer


    Professional Lurker
    Sep 6, 2016
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    the bright orange is hard for some members to read, i suggest something a bit easier.


    Mandalorian Shipwright
    Jun 24, 2013
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    the bright orange is hard for some members to read, i suggest something a bit easier.
    Honestly one of the first times someone has brought that to my attention. I shall edit My posting style to corporate my signature orange but with less intensity, possibly with similar affects to my original post
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    Jan 4, 2015
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    As to more history in regards to my StarMade career, is that I usually tend to stay away from PvP servers, only because my main focus, as in what I love to do most is sculpt the best looking ships that I can.
    serious question here:

    is there a single smd mod or sm developer who plays to pvp


    Mandalorian Shipwright
    Jun 24, 2013
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    serious question here:

    is there a single smd mod or sm developer who plays to pvp
    To answer your question fairly I do not know of the others play styles as adept to my own. Again I am more of a Replica builder, but I am attuned with the needs of Building ships for PvP factions. I have also some experience in PvP play, but I do not have the experience like others of the community has. But I promise that as a Mod I will not discriminate against PvPers, RPers or builders, everyone is equal, and subject to the same rules and guidelines.


    Professional Lurker
    Sep 6, 2016
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    To answer your question fairly I do not know of the others play styles as adept to my own. Again I am more of a Replica builder, but I am attuned with the needs of Building ships for PvP factions. I have also some experience in PvP play, but I do not have the experience like others of the community has. But I promise that as a Mod I will not discriminate against PvPers, RPers or builders, everyone is equal, and subject to the same rules and guidelines.
    Id start off with being less formal with people, makes them feel like you aren't on the same level as them.


    Mandalorian Shipwright
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Id start off with being less formal with people, makes them feel like you aren't on the same level as them.
    Honestly I try. It is just part of my character, half the time I do not even realize I am being formal. For example in one of my college classes, a Tech writing 101 sort of deal we are tasked with writing assignments in a Grade 6 (US) reading level. I tend to hit grade 13 (US) Reading Level, and I find it at times very difficult to scale it down.
    Jul 30, 2017
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    Honestly I try. It is just part of my character, half the time I do not even realize I am being formal. For example in one of my college classes, a Tech writing 101 sort of deal we are tasked with writing assignments in a Grade 6 (US) reading level. I tend to hit grade 13 (US) Reading Level, and I find it at times very difficult to scale it down.
    Heh, you should see some of my old writing projects - I tended to make Lovecraft look like YA fiction, especially in verse. I've tried to tone things down a bit but it's actually difficult.

    Anyway, welcome to the dumpster fire, at least it's warm here.


    Mandalorian Shipwright
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Heh, you should see some of my old writing projects - I tended to make Lovecraft look like YA fiction, especially in verse. I've tried to tone things down a bit but it's actually difficult.

    Anyway, welcome to the dumpster fire, at least it's warm here.
    Nothing really new to me, Often times enough I would stick to my own little niche of StarMade in the Replica Builders. Honestly that is actually how the Serene Horizons came about. Started as a Replica Build group for Star Wars fans, which then got a server, evolved into a Sci-Fi Replica Builders server, which evolved into a General Build server. Now, we are working on expanding our user base by representing other games in hopes to grow our numbers and hopefully bring to light the beauties that is StarMade. I am also in talks with PvPers to see about getting a PvP server going for the Horizons and possibly an RP or maybe just a genearl PvE server.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    But I promise that as a Mod I will not discriminate against PvPers, RPers or builders, everyone is equal, and subject to the same rules and guidelines.
    Well, we'll see.


    Cobalt-Blooded Bullet Mirror
    May 12, 2014
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    Props on a moderating role. I have yet to see how skilled you are in the field, but I have my fingers crossed. Sounds like the dock could use some more fresh apples moderating...


    Jan 19, 2014
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    Cool, I don't remember your name, but I instantly recognized your signature. Good to have you as a moderator.


    Alpha is not an excuse
    Jan 3, 2016
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    Gonna be honest, serene needs about the same level of moderation as someone who drinks nothing but water needs to moderate their Alcohol intake.


    Mandalorian Shipwright
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Gonna be honest, serene needs about the same level of moderation as someone who drinks nothing but water needs to moderate their Alcohol intake.
    I do apologize but I am having a hard time following your train of thought here. Are you referring to the fact that Serene Horizons is relatively calm in comparison to the current situation on the SMD? Or is it in to reference of something else. If it is the former than I do acknowledge the severity in which the two contrast, but the SMD is far cleaner than other communities I have been apart of, and even assisted in cleaning up before it was disbanded for financial reasons. The Serene Horizons is more or less the conglomerate of knowledge and experiences I have learned throughout the years moderating, and administrating.
    Well, we'll see.
    One thing I have learned and strive for in my years moderating is that non-discriminatory actions are required to properly moderate and administrate a social or online community. There are 4 main factors I seek to do the best that I can and those are to be Quick (as quick to respond as life allows), Decisive, Fair and Transparent. So on the honour of Mandalore, I pledge myself to serve the greater good of the community not to be served by it.
    Props on a moderating role. I have yet to see how skilled you are in the field, but I have my fingers crossed. Sounds like the dock could use some more fresh apples moderating...
    Cool, I don't remember your name, but I instantly recognized your signature. Good to have you as a moderator.
    Yes I may be fresh to the moderator team of SMD, but again I possess the knowledge, and the drive to bring serenity in the community. But any ways I am just restating something I have said, regardless Thank You, and your support is appreciated. I shall do my best, to better our community.


    Alpha is not an excuse
    Jan 3, 2016
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    I do apologize but I am having a hard time following your train of thought here. Are you referring to the fact that Serene Horizons is relatively calm in comparison to the current situation on the SMD? Or is it in to reference of something else. If it is the former than I do acknowledge the severity in which the two contrast, but the SMD is far cleaner than other communities I have been apart of, and even assisted in cleaning up before it was disbanded for financial reasons. The Serene Horizons is more or less the conglomerate of knowledge and experiences I have learned throughout the years moderating, and administrating.
    No, im saying that serene's discord is fucking dead in terms of activity and therefore needs no moderation.
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