Unclutter the inventory <-- everything that fits into this thread!


    Dec 31, 2013
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    • Wired for Logic
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    #1: Separate function (hull, advanced) and color.

    Think of deko plates on top of your hull.

    #2: Merge Blocks/wedges/corners/penta/tetra.

    Currently you can't fit all your blocks - not even just hull without plex and custom server blocks - in your inventory + hotbar.

    Details for 1 and 2:

    If you want to place a red wedge, it takes 50 "Hull L1" and "Color/Texture - Hull L1 (red)" (volume 1block = 100);

    Requirements: Block(1/1=100;60), Penta(7/8?=87;53), Wedge(1/2=50;48), Corner(1/3=34;40), Tetra(1/8?=13;22)

    • Note: the second number is the surface area (base=10 per side) for the case you wanna know and ask "Why do we use volume for color/texture" - I think, it discurages design and RP (maybe can be a server setting...)

    #3: Make a deko block with a different deko on each side.

    May be used inside 1-block thick walls to decorate 2 floors, so opposing sides have to be the same and give you 3 deko types for just 1 block type (good for: purchase blueprints with blocks)
    Jan 22, 2014
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    So we would just need UI additions to the construction mode.

    Shape selection (like the current orientation selector?) and color selection, same way. And a ressource consumption display. So inventory needs just 2 material blocks (L1 for normal L2 for hardened?) And a bunch of color blocks, the current ones for example. But memory would need to store them additionally since the normal shapes we have would still exist ingame (after you placed them) but not directly accessible to players (\"you shouldn\'t see this item. only per admin command\")

    But two additional blocks should be managable, or not? (halp?)

    #3 +1 :)


    Dec 31, 2013
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    • Wired for Logic
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Currently Wedges and Hulls (as all others) have the same texture.

    • Their block type is different - type0=block, type1=wedge, type2=corner, type4=tetra, type5=penta (or similar)
    • I think they would not need extra memory with the best implemention. But currently, they are handled like \"different blocks\" and probably do.
    • Because of this, they require an additional block config entry, which causes for 8 colors * 2 levels + plex glass and 5? lights = 94 new entries - each about 40 lines = ~3760 lines. That is 1/4 of our block-config! And even more with custom blocks like ice crystal wedges and so on.

    BTW: I forgot plex in the OP.

    You have 3 different hull elements (one for plex) and n-1 paints (grey don\'t need one?)

    • Some items like ice crystals and lava may not accept color, but I think hull, plex and artificial things,

    For admin commands: You would just give color and one level of \"Hull-Elements\".
    Aug 28, 2013
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    I\'m not sure if it\'s possible to have some aspects of the ship not load into memory on the server but still get transmitted to client (i.e. color) If so we could have our seperate color property that wouldn\'t affect the server, we could get reduced inventory, and we could color other things as well.

    Basically certain properties of blocks would only load into active server memory if the ship was in build mode. Otherwise, that data gets transmitted to clients but not loaded into active server memory. Meanwhile things like health aren\'t transmitted to the client, just the overlay needed.

    Also, right now there are 5 bits in orientation (32 positions) IIRC. With only 1 more bit we can fit 64 positions (6 full, 12 wedge, 24 corner, 8 tetra, and 8 penta = 58) so we only need 1 block type, and we can make lights be wedges NO ADDITIONAL BLOCKS NEEDED.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    We talk not about painting ships while not in buid mode.

    We talk about which block is allowed to be set in which quantity and what do you require for it.

    How can you then edit blocks while you are in your space suit? :p
    Aug 28, 2013
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    Well, there might be a way to change it while not in build mode but it really does depend on the mechanics of the game engine and how well this could be adapted to that. Really I wouldn\'t mind not being able to edit blocks outside the ship. Maybe you could go up to them and press R if you wanted to change them.