UEF ground troops division

    Jun 22, 2013
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    a taser would be awsome i hope when the personal stuff comes out they will have ground millatry suits and fighter suits that help you fly and it could mabye look like this
    Jun 6, 2013
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    This personal fire arms update is pretty interesting. I\'m wondering how your mobile force will do. It seems like it\'s a pretty good idea! I can see boarding pods using disintegrators to punch into hulls and tear the ship appart from the inside out... I\'d just like to say that I might be interested in joining the faction if my faction the ISRF doesn\'t do well. If it does do well, I\'d like an alliance with your faction. Your ground forces could be very useful and a powerful force. I\'m willing to supply you with money and assets if were diplomatic.

    Just tell me what your server is, your opinions and etc...

    Thanks for everything, and God\'s speed to you.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    I would love an alliance but I am not in charge of the faction cyberferret.1 is I am just helping the main group by making a support unit. We play on a whitelisted server named trynlandis. Also what do you mean by opinions is that IRL opinions or in game opinions.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    IGN: kurgis

    Reason: I am joining the Tyrelius server, and UEF was the only faction for it on forums at the time. Yet they stopped recruiting, this seems quite fun, even more if this update comes out (which I have been hoping does happen for sometime now). I\'d also prefer my rank to be sergeant, to lead the ground forces.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    i would like to be a tinker for gravity/microgravity ships. im not great witha gun but i can shoot for myself if need be. my past experiances are: lots of lego ships building, minecraft conservationist housing designer and a few hours on minecraft faction wars.i want to be able to design and prototype compact strike vehicles. i generallyhave a tendancy to stick with the unextpexted and bizarres so perhaps i could design the vehicles used in night ops? for example having the front of a ship loaded with salvege beams and go drill underground until they reach the desired destination, then having someone remove the salvagers and replace them with antimatter cannons linked to a bobby ai programmed to shoot the enemy factions. then have two members of the strike team breach the surface and sneak around to the other side to distract the enemies while the rest open up a hole large enough for the ship, at which poit they renter the ship fly it up and over to the two original people who drew away enemy attention. the ship would then be disassembled and the hull pieces used to set up barriers for cover. then when the op is done, the troops grab what remains of the ship pieces and build a rudimentary transportation platform to use for tranversing the tunnel created by the original ship which will take them back to hq safe. thats the kind of bizarre i mean. as for how often i play i cant guarantee you anything, in fact ill probably play a little sparingly, but i wouldnt need to play often because all i would be doing is testing my designs and if i approve showing a demonstartion to cyberferrat. i dont care what rank i ahve so long as im not victom to title abuse by those above me. please keep in mind the position i describe is not an engineer as i will only design and prototyoe them, if they are approved then the engineers (or whomever builds the ships) will have to build them. i would only build it once. thank you for your consideration and i appologize if my application is a little long but i wanted to make sure you had an idea of the kind of things i have in mind.

    May your shields hold and your cannons devastate!
    Jul 14, 2013
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    i would like to join i dont mind being a grub just as long as i can go commando and go rogue every once in a while if that is not possible then im fine with being told what to do.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    IGN: Ostix

    I would like to apply for the demolitions crew

    Past Experience: facing endless AI waves on singleplayer

    Reason for wnting to join: looking for fun server

    Activity: on for a few hours every day
    Jul 24, 2013
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    My ingame name: karsar

    I like to build, a lot. I have much experience in minecraft, i created some huge epic structures. Also im building a big battleship, i cal it the \"Red Class Battleship\". Besides from building i realy enjoy strategy games. Age of empire, Supreme Comander, Mount and Blade, you name it, but the best for me is Supreme Comander. I enjoy making tactics, like flanking the oponent, forcing them into believing that they are wining and then surounding them.

    Hope this short discription work, im waiting for a reply.