Turret docking bug

    Jul 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hi everyone,

    Im currently building a large spaceship and I encountered a problem withe the turret docking.

    Everytime I hit the Docking Module with the docking beam on my turret i get abselutely no respone.

    But when i hit any other block or a docking Module with a docking area wich is to small is get the normal massanges.

    I tried several docking modules and everytime i expanded there areas enough i get no more massanges but im still not docking.

    I tried restarting the game serveral time over the last few days but the problem is still there.

    On every other ship howerver i had nether any problems.

    I hope somebody can help me.
    Feb 10, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    im also having the same problem with my large ship, a 1300m super star destoyer, if this helps, sometimes reseting your game MAY work, it doesnt always work and i have also found that if the ship isnt perfectly level on all three axis, it also has the same problem. so leveling out perfectly or as close as you can get may fix this problem. but i am only able to get mabye one or two turrets on the ship before it has this issue again and i need to relevel and restart the entire game, server and client. I only starting having this issue on big ships when i start to go over 7 turrets. the more turrets, the more buggy it gets and its only letting me dock on every other restart now even with my super star destoyer perfectly level and only two turrets before another restart, im on my third restart now and it isnt working at all now. So if anyone has a more perminent fix, that would be great.


    Customer Experience Manager
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    • Wired for Logic
    Check if you are still in the same sector as the core.

    In case yes, you are looking from cockpit view?
    Can you see the docking beam?
    What version do you use? Release?