I am all for Schema changing the value that the config file defaults too on vanilla servers, he even said himself that the default value right now is just a testing value.
But please, please do not reference the ships you\'ve \"Built recently to fulfill etc.\"
I implore you guys to remember that this is Alpha, and in this stage of development, whatever ship you make now or any time during the Alpha will most likely not function the way you want it too later on in development.
It\'s not that i don\'t sympathize with you builders, I do. But we\'re all aware of the risks in this Alpha, so don\'t be surprised if you spend a lot of time on a ship to be practical now, and it becomes impractical later on.
I understand this particular update applies to ALL large ships, not just recently created ones, so my lecture doesn\'t fully apply here. But still, focus on \"Big Ships\" instead of \"My ship I built recently.\" Just because the \"My ship I built recently\" card doesn\'t hold much water in the Alpha.
To address Grozik\'s suggestion of turning speed being locationally relevant to mass allocation, it would probably be a real technical hardship to make that work. Tuning it to dimensions on top of overall mass achieves the goal just fine, the only issue is that the default value is scaled too low.