Bug the warning message back in advanced mode & more

    Jan 25, 2015
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    • Wired for Logic
    • Councillor 2 Gold
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    the warning message that appears on the right side is partly in the advanced build mode.
    since the shipyard update it doesn't fit anymore.
    the new option to put a core onto rails made the advanced build mode longer. but the warning messages weren't moved. just a little move and it is fixed.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1440778189,1440777178][/DOUBLEPOST]I want to add another bug to this, one that has annoyed me a lot. I was building this door, it had about 8 entities on 1 rails.
    this forced me to make a system that turns off the rail movement after every piece is on its place. also, if 1 piece didn't fit, all the pieces behind it wouldn't be able to move. now after spending about 2 hours on a working system, it finally worked.
    well... most of it, the part to stop the rails sometimes failed. but the pieces did move from start to end.
    now I decided to take a break for a few hours, this unloaded the sector. When I came back and activated the door again....
    somewhere the middle piece stopped moving. I was sure it could fit through everything, so I checked the rail speed controller
    I checked if the logic block connected to it was on, it was on. I checked if the controller was connected to the rails, yes it was.
    there was totally no reason for it to stop moving. but I didn't think it was a bug, I thought I did something wrong, I triple checked the logic gates and stuff. couldn't find any mistake. furious as I was, after spending 1 and a half hour searching, I broke down every piece and measured its area. that way, there was no possible way it couldn't fit without me seeing it. all of the pieces moved but 1, I undocked and redocked it and badaboom, it moved. now 2 hours later I finally made a system that would shut down the speed without any possible failure. I tested it many times. I was sure, it worked. then I started decorating the pieces again, I kept the blocks within the measured areas I had marked out, this way all the pieces would fit together. they did. I was so happy to finally have that door done after about 6 hours of work. so I left again giving myself a well-earned break. when I came back the whole shit wasn't working again! 1 piece wouldn't move. I checked every gate every wire every single bit or logic and rails. then suddenly, when I was raging all about on teamspeak, someone said to me: "you have to unload the sector for a while"
    sometimes it happens that logic gets messed up being unloaded. I tried it and it was fixed! now in the end it took me about 10 hours to make a freaking door. please fix it!


    Customer Experience Manager
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    • Wired for Logic
    This may be in relation or combination of:

    T193: Very slow logic rebuild
    T584: Adaptive message appears over Remove/replace button in ADV build mode

    While the reload should not really be the cause to fix things, it may be a stuck previous movement, that could not be reverted either.
    If you move entities to chase each other, they may try to advance, and when being blocked they aim to return to last position, IF another entity already blocked the way back by advancing further behind it.
    This can lead to locks when entities try to move, back and forth, and the wrong end gets jammed.
    On reload they get a reset on their movement attempts and this may/should clear it, however the original cause is usually not having a save distance, and letting them run into each other uncontrolled.

    - Andy
    Jan 25, 2015
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Councillor 2 Gold
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    This may be in relation or combination of:

    T193: Very slow logic rebuild
    T584: Adaptive message appears over Remove/replace button in ADV build mode

    While the reload should not really be the cause to fix things, it may be a stuck previous movement, that could not be reverted either.
    If you move entities to chase each other, they may try to advance, and when being blocked they aim to return to last position, IF another entity already blocked the way back by advancing further behind it.
    This can lead to locks when entities try to move, back and forth, and the wrong end gets jammed.
    On reload they get a reset on their movement attempts and this may/should clear it, however the original cause is usually not having a save distance, and letting them run into each other uncontrolled.

    - Andy
    thanks for your wisdom :D weird though..... after totally finishing it, the bug never happend again....