    Apr 18, 2016
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    -{ Introduction }-

    The United Kingdom of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, her overseas Dominions and Territories, and her Empire beyond the Solar System, has now taken to establishing her Empire within a war torn Galaxy, where the Dark and the Light are in conflict with each other. Britannia and her Navy will rule the gravitational waves, with her ever-expanding fleet and her Royal Air Force.

    Within this thread you will find all faction information, ships, starfighters, space stations, conflicts, battles, policies and recruitment information. Every detail of this faction will be covered, and this thread will be edited multiple times to ensure this information is up-to-date.

    -{ Wiki }-
    Click here to to read the United Kingdom's Wiki

    -{ Faction Information }-
    The United Kingdom is a colonial faction that has the main goal of colonising systems across multiple galaxies and gifting them with civilisation, defence, education, and a flag to be proud of.

    The leader of the United Kingdom's intergalactic mission is Otto Von Bismarck, who will in the name of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, carry the Union Jack to all corners of the Universe.

    The United Kingdom is divided into three branches:

    The Royal Navy
    The Royal Air Force

    Her Majesty's Army

    The Royal Navy is tasked with the majority of the United Kingdom's operations throughout the Universe, where it shall defend Britannia's colonies, people and interests alike with might, power and integrity.

    The Royal Air Force consists of all starfighters and starbombers. The RAF will work with the Royal Navy in the majority of it's operations, defending planets, stations and ships as well as being well equipped for an attack.

    Her Majesty's Army is the ground force of the United Kingdom. They are tasked with the defence of space stations, shipyards and planets, as well as the assault of any enemy shipping.

    The United Kingdom relies heavily on shipping, and so we have developed a flag system to allow other space travellers to easily identify what ships are ours, and what kind of ship they are.

    The Civil Ensign, used by civil vessels, merchant ships, and asteroid miners. These ships are used by civilians, so theoretically it is a war crime to down one of these vessels unless it is an identified freighter.

    The Blue Ensign is used by civil spaceports and none-warship shipyards, and is also flown on Government-registered ships (ships designed to serve the country, and not an individual person or company that does not serve the United Kingdom and the Crown). Ships that fly the Blue Ensign are unarmed and often carry passengers, thus it is a war crime to down these vessels, as they pose no strategic value to any war effort.

    The White Ensign is the flag of the Royal Navy. All warships big enough to fly it are required to fly it, and warships that are too small to fly it will fly the Union Jack or will instead have an RAF Roundel. During wartime, ships that fly this flag may be engaged.

    The Royal Air Force Roundel is the insignia shown on starfighters and other spacecraft belonging to the Royal Air Force. During wartime, ships and starfighters with this roundel may be engaged.

    -{ The Fleet }-
    The X-1 Starfighter
    Fast, agile, and armed with four deadly autocannons, the X-1 Starfighter is the standard issue fighter in the Royal Air Force. It's armament is great for punching through shields and metal, making it a small force to be reckoned with.

    The B-1 Starfighter
    Heavy, rugged and armed to the teeth, the B-1 Starfighter possesses a heavy autocannon and lock-on, ionising missiles, making it great for tearing shields apart, and finishing the job quickly.

    The N-1 Starfighter
    The N-1 Starfighter is a six-winged, heavy escort fighter, designed to provide fighter cover to larger vessels such as freighters. It is armed with two heavy cannons on the front, and one anti-missile turret at the rear, as well as being sufficiently shielded from enemy fire.

    The Y-1 Starbomber
    Armed with a powerful, lock-on missile and automated, rear facing turret, the Y-1 Starbomber is the idyllic spacecraft to destroy ships much bigger than itself, and hold it's own against any fighters that try to take it down.

    The G-1 Gunship
    The G-1 Gunship is designed to carry troops of Her Majesty's Army onto enemy vessels so they can disable the ship without much of a fight, and capture it. The G-1 Gunship is not to be messed around with, as it possesses four heavy cannons that make quick work of enemy fighters and even small ships.

    The Fleet is ever expanding, and so more ships will be added to this thread as they are produced.

    -{ Conflicts }-
    The United Kingdom will always be diplomatic about issues and will always be willing to negotiate terms to come to a peaceful conclusion. However, direct threats to the United Kingdom, it's colonies, allies, interests or people will result in the enemy being met with brute force.
    Past Wars
    None to show, thankfully.

    Ongoing Wars
    Peace in our time.
    Previous Battles
    None to show. Hooray.

    Ongoing Battles
    Who needs battles when you have tea?
    -{ Recruitment }-
    The United Kingdom is not recruiting at the moment, though this will change some time in the future. If you wish to join the British ranks, send this application to Otto Von Bismarck when recruitment is open.
    What is your in-game username?
    How old are you?
    How diplomatic are you?
    What is your timezone?
    Are you from the United Kingdom, her Commonwealth, or her overseas territories?

    Do you pledge allegiance to our Monarch, HM Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors, her people and her country, as well as this mission and its Commanders?
    What branch are you applying for?
    What are your top qualities?
    Why should the United Kingdom recruit you?

    What is your dream role within the United Kingdom?
    Why are you joining the United Kingdom?
    If you have any service history, please state it.

    -{ NOTICE }-

    This thread will constantly be edited to keep information accurate and up-to-date.

    -{ Edit History }-
    Otto Von Bismarck added N-1 Starfighter to Starfighters 01/08/2016
    Otto Von Bismarck added Edit History to Thread 01/08/2016
    Otto Von Bismarck added Lore to Thread 02/08/2016
    Otto Von Bismarck removed Type 3 Destroyer from Destroyers 03/08/2016
    Otto Von Bismarck replaced Lore with Wiki 05/08/2016

    Last edited:
    Apr 18, 2016
    Reaction score
    i meant that otto von bismarck is in charge of expanding the british empire in the stars
    but that works too
    Oh, well... that's not as accurate as I first thought since the real bismarck wanted a unified german state, not a space empire full of britishness, buuuut I'll roll with it as it sounds entertaining.


    Jun 20, 2013
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    Well, if you don't succeed in the battlefield, you could always trade tea and marmalade ^^
    Oct 22, 2014
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
    I would sign up, but I'm American. After a while I'd probably freak out about taxes then dump all your space tea into the New Boston Space Harbor, so yeah.
    Aug 1, 2015
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    oh ya don't forget to make your ships with systems that break down all the time,just like the electrical on real british autos :confused:


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    So how long before you join odium, take a vote to leave odium, ruin your faction because of it and never actually leave?
    What's odium
    Thanks for ruining the joke, jackass <3
    Apr 18, 2016
    Reaction score
    So how long before you join odium, take a vote to leave odium, ruin your faction because of it and never actually leave?
    Thanks for ruining the joke, jackass <3
    I just realised I ruined the joke so I deleted the post but now it's too late I'm sorry