Awesome :DHere's a cryo storage room I made for the Jovian HQ station on Tethys Galaxy. the Undeathinator is there, it makes a nice spawn room, the idea is that the mechanical claw has pulled your clone pod from the cryogenic racks on the wall, feel free to steal this idea.
Why, thank you. But none more genius than a giant Ferris wheel XDThat pool table is pure genius. I love it.
i'll be adding all of them and a couple secret ones onto the kepler :Dso who is going to go build a ship with everysingle room on this list? (do you think 800x200x100 is enough room?)
you should see page 2 ;DFigured it'd be worth sharing one of my personal interior space lists. Hopefully it helps some people fill those empty interiors!
- Security Checkpoint.
- Security HQ.
- Interrogation Chamber.
- Cafeteria + Kitchen.
- Crew Quarters.
- Officers Quarters.
- VIP Quarters.
- Guest Quarters.
- Captains Quarters.
- Medical Bay.
- Surgical Bay.
- General Clinic.
- Waiting Room.
- Critical Care.
- Cryostatsis Tubes.
- Science Lab.
- Creature Lab.
- Holo-Art Display.
- Museum.
- Arboretum.
- Astrometrics.
- Security Grid Control.
- Auction House.
- Holodeck.
- Lounge.
- Engineering.
- Sensor Room.
- Restaurant + Kitchen.
- Maintenance.
- Computer Core.
- Bridge.
- Docking Control.
- Cargo Bay.
- Escape Pods.
- Tractor Emitter Room.
- Ready Room.
- Hospital.
- Brig.
- Firing Range.
- Simulator Room.
- Conference Room.
- Swimming Pool.
- Speeder Hangars.
- Speeder Maintenance.
- Fighter Maintenance.
- Weapons Storage Lockers.
- Refueling Depot.
- Cafeteria.
- Mall.
- Turret Control.
- Drone Maintenance.
- External Docking Control.
- Terminal (Dockside).
- Bar
- Arcade (Logical)
- Quarantine (Biological)
- Quarantine (Radiological)
- Disco Room (Logical)
- Geological Survey.
- Trapdoor Room.
- Throne Room.
- Zen Garden.
- Cake Room.
- Cheese Locker.
- Smoker (For Meats)
- BBQ Area.
hhaha just wait till they make a post :DLook at their profile, 100 disagrees...
I just noticed, Dalmont had a swimming pool on his list.One thing that no one has ever mentioned in this thread: A SWIMMING POOL!