Hello all!
I absolutely love the turrets, especially the ones on this thread - so here's my five cents:
This is
Restia, an old ship of mines when I was experimenting with turrets.
I've recently started building
Mocha (you'll see why I named the ship Mocha), think of her a Restia's younger sister - also going to be a heavily turreted ship. I have build other ships inbetween, but I didn't like them very much.
I used to go for the idea of 'big awesome turret' - but times have changed and I've opted for 'dazzle camoflauge'
This is a CIWS that's designed to tear up small ships that get too close. It's a Cannon/Cannon/Explosive system that fires a 3x3 (and a bit) wall of fire to cripple small ships.
As with AMS:
I've found that even though cannon/cannon systems are highly effective against missiles, they're still not good enough, especially against Mis/Beam systems, simply because they're too fast and cannons will have to lead by a huge amount.
Though I'm sure that the solution is simply more AMS Turrets...
I've tried including an extra beam/cannon system to take care of missiles when they get cozy close (they don't have to lead).
I find that small ships are at the mercy of homing missiles, and they're often too small to have a good AMS system...
So I had an interesting idea one day to put a AMS on a omni-directional turret axis, to create a sort of 'satellite' AMS that had 360-360 rotational potential
I quite fancied 'walls of fire' at some point, so this 'AMS' fires a large WoF, though I don't remember the specifics.
And the ship in the background was another omni-directional test. Conclusion: Ball ships are hard to make, power, and make me sick when i make 'em. (Motion sickness... ugh.)