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Why don't you try addressing my points instead of resorting to ad homenim or strawman arguments?So, you can't actually think of a valid opposing view so you resort to insults? Typical...
Literally half of your post is just childish namecalling.
I'm trying to explain why this may be bad for game balance, and all you are doing is having a fit because someone shut down your thread so early.
See my previous post.you'll notice that I've actually nerfed myself with this idea.
A 5000% increase in damage and a 1000% increase in radius isn't as dangerous?
And? What's the point of that? If you can't back up your ideas then what does it matter how good you claim you are at something?Let's be perfectly clear on one thing, there is a good chance that NO ONE is building launchers as complex as mine. ...and if they are, they're doing one hell of a job keeping it a secret.
I'm "frightened" of you and other factions using this warhead buff to fuck up noobs even more than you already do.To be honest, you seem more frightened the complexity of my launchers than the warheads themselves. Think about that for a second before you respond.
Your testing methods are all wrong m8...You really aren't paying attention are you? Read my posts again and while your at it, look at the pictures. Most impacts at 500,000 dmg and 25m radius won't even one-shot an Isanth. It is beyond difficult to even hit a frigate unless it's stationary. Also, the ship in the picture weighs about 3000-4000 mass and was hit (while stationary) with a one of these...
First off, the radius listed in the weapons menu is wrong, it can only be determined experimentally.
It is not possible to make a missile with both 500000 damage and 25 radius. So first of all, since you claimed to make a missile like this, you are in fact flat out lying. For my tests I went with a missile with 500,000 damage and about 28 radius (because of how splash damage works, they will have the same area of destruction for the same amount of damage, the radius is only the maximum radius if the damage points aren't used up by blocks)

Radius testing (against lowest hp block) shows that the 48 radius listed here is wrong. The block is 51x51 and the radius goes just past it, indicating a radius of 26-29, and damage of 500,400

For context, this is the type of damage you suggested that 1 warhead block should do in your OP.
Now lets test it against an Isanth.

Wow look at that, nearly dead in a single hit. 44% structure points and all armor gone in a single hit.
One more shot finishes it off. Barely qualifies as "multiple shots to kill an Isanth."

Now lets test it against a ship that isn't complete garbage.

Again, a single shot blasts through 130k armor and nearly 1-shots it
Again, one more shot finishes it off

So that's two single blocks, with practically no power used, that can wreck these ships like they're nothing (going by your suggestion)
For reference, these missiles used 2,500,000 power each shot to do this same damage.
I am not seeing how "warheads need this buff."
Honestly dude, just calm down...For a one-hit-wonder that can't one-shot a stationary frigate vs your giant murder-boat armed with infinitely reloading swarmers and nukes? No... not really.
You still haven't answered my concerns.
Why should a <50 mass fighter be able to take out corvettes and frigates 100-300 times its mass?
How is that balanced?
Also, you do realize that this can be scaled up, right?
If you want to be able to take out 600k mass death machines with this, be aware that those 600k death machines will be using it against you as well, and they will wreck you with it.
Wow, 1000 energy to launch that torpedo, amazingly demanding.S
Actually, they do need power. It takes power to maneuver into firing position. It also takes power to activate the push engine(s) for torpedoes or the push effect beam(s) for mine throwers.
How does that compare to the millions of energy needed for missiles?
Also, do you think that ships that don't use warheads just sit there and don't move or something?
Capital ships would be able to use these things too, and what you're basically saying is "I don't have the time or patience to build a ship that can take a dreadnought on so instead I'm going to suggest that the devs give me this super unbalanced weapon that I am conveniently in the best position to use, and I'm going to lie about its potential adverse effects, ad hominem ad hominem blah blah...."The reason they ignore shields is because you are otherwise, invincible in your giant capital ship.
Is that your entire argument?You're afraid aren't you? Your sense of invincibility is being called into question and you don't like that, do you? You want to parade around in your giant battleships obliterating any puny fighters or frigates that come your way and boast of how "unstoppable" you are. You're a bully who wants the game to be about the cheap thrill of preying on something that cannot defend itself from you. Furthermore, you're afraid of what will happen if you actually lose to a smaller ship. What kind of pilot are you if you can't even handle a little corvette/frigate? You do not have the honor or courage to face off against an opponent that can truly challenge you nor do you have the creativity to come up with an effective counter. So you complain and argue with no testing or evidence to back up your claims. When your argument is defeated, you resort to insults. How sad...
"You're afraid!
Lets summarize your accomplishments in this thread:
-make rambunctious suggestion without any regard to game balance
-respond to level headed criticism with ad hominem and other fallacies ("you're afraid!")
-make false claims in your "tests"
-brag about being the "best" at warheads as if it has anything to do with this discussion
-claim that your methods of using warheads are "legit" while others are "griefing" for no other reason than that you use them
-ignore the fact that warheads don't use energy
-ignore the fact that warheads ignore shields
-claim that 4-5 warhead blocks killing a ship that's 5000 mass is "balanced"
Again, I'm trying to have a reasonable discussion here, but you are showing your lack of maturity and control with every post.