    Jul 1, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    NEWS: We are currently recruiting. Those who wish to risk their lives for the ideals of freedom and equality in face of horrible odds that will likely result in painful and pointless death, please, proceed to the bottom of the page.

    The Redcoats Faction

    - is a revolutionary movement that originated spontaneously in a response to the ultimate power that Trade Federation (and the likes of it) held over the newly colonized worlds, which often don't offer even the basic resources required for mere survival, and in response to the mother Terra's audacity to claim most of the resources obtained through hardship in inhuman conditions.

    The Redcoats can be expected to oppose with nearly fanatical resolve to any and every kind of plutocratic (or plutocracy resembling) government and all the enforcers of their will and law.
    On the other hand, to an independent individual who happens to be in need they will gladly offer their resources or help him in any other way, if it's in their power.

    Of course, many may be considered members of the Redcoats opposition - smugglers, mercenaries, gangsters and many more who also were limited by the will of mother Terra. It is no wonder that these animals had earned the Redcoats their undeserved share of infamy - but let it be known that there still is some kind of organized resistance behind the looting masses, and that no just man has anything to fear from a captain wearing a red uniform!


    The Redcoats Homebase
    Redcoats homebase (under construction)
    Redcoats homebase view 2
    The docks
    The docks 2
    Totally secret command base that is definitely not located on the homebase

    The Redcoats Fleet
    Leonov (lost in action)
    Raven's Claw
    Attacker (also known as Salvager)
    Pokryshkin (lost in action)
    Pavlov prototype (lost in action)
    Holy Saber (lost in action) (documentation missing)
    Fulcrum Class (lost in action) (documentation missing)

    Uniform disposal for new recruits!

    Note: Pretty please, if you are not a member of the Redcoats faction, avoid using these skins. Thank You.


    By signing this application, you pledge yourself to follow the ideas, directives and leaders of the Redcoat Faction (in that order) and also confirm that you are aware that both rules and leaders may change over time, and that you will constantly pay attention to the faction news and broadcasts, so you will always be aware of the current situation in Redcoats' policy to other factions and to independent strangers.
    The current Redcoats' directives are as follows:

    1. We fight for brighter future
      for everyone except those who oppose it; therefore, it is absolutely unthinkable that any redcoat would ever attack an civil ship (where "civil" stands for every ship that does not belong to enemy faction/faction representing a form of oppression and exploitation of the people), or stole an civilist's (similar definition) property or even threatened him or her on life.
      Any redcoats that would be found guilty of such crimes against our cause will be immediately suspended, without any chance at reclaiming their property, or even executed at sight.
      Note: Both pirate ships and ships and stations of Trade Federation make valid targets.
    2. We fight for the many
      Our aim is not to abolish the differences between the prospering worlds of our origin and the exploited and supposedly worthless mining worlds of the edge by destroying the old regime - let the "center worlds" go on with prosperous living while we hold the last resources.
      Our aim is to give these resources to those who have to work for them hard day by day, year by year, and thus allow them to ascend from the social gutters.
      While this goal is unachievable while the Trade Federation and it's allied military forces and mercenaries hold most of the worlds under tight control, you can still do your little share by helping out a common man, whether we are talking another redcoat, just another space captain or even a poor colonist.
    3. There is no "I" in "team"
      We seek to spread our influence - this may include separating the faction into several fully independent bases, each with own fleet. If you happen to be between the ones who were chosen to set up a new base, do not complain: obey. It is gonna be tiresome, it is gonna take ages, it is gonna require a lot of resources - but every redcoat, at least at the moment, had gone through the process (and quite frankly, I believe we rahter enjoyed it).
      And while you are not literally required to provide your comrades all the support they need at any moment, in any way, one might find it natural and expectable amongst friends and fellow men.

      Date: ____-__-__ Where: Supersecret recruitment center Signed: _______

      Important notes: We are active on but one server, the
      Less important notes: We try to sound badass, but have no fear - being a redcoat isn't about being limited in your actions. It's about feeling of comradeship, about teamwork, about striving together towards something grand and beautiful - though at the moment, we have no clue what that might be. We share everything from resources over ships to bedroom (seriously, our base has plenty of hangars, but only a ridiculously little space for crew!).
      We work together, we create together, we fight together.

    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I think you thought quite good with a faction Skin. I\'m sure a lot will pick this up in the future, if it\'s not already common practice.

    Gorgeous too. And an very fresh and thought out presentation of your group.

    Wear those coats proudly, and have my blessings. And card. I like to do buisness.
    Jul 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    Thank You very much, good sir!

    As for the business, you are welcome in our base to do same any day!
    Jul 3, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    If I end up buying the game (And I\'m leaning towards it) I\'ll definately want to join this faction, if only for the sweet uniform. Are there any limits on whether a total noob can join? I won\'t be bringing any massive ships with me (obviously).
    Jul 1, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    Er... the game is for free. But of course, I won\'t talk you out of donation for the authors - they sure as hay deserve it!

    As for you being a noob, well to heck with it, so am I! :D It\'s the spirit that counts.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Ooops. looks like I supported the creators 3$ :D

    Anyway, I have the game now, so I\'ma learn a bit and become better at building ships and bringing down corrupt dictatorial space empires before I come out to multiplayer
    Jul 1, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    Dear comrades!

    Your work and devotion to the cause exceeded my wildest dreams, and within only a few hours since the revolution began, we have several functional docks of all scales and fully automized defense system - not to mention the rather admirable fleet you people have managed to raise in such a short time.

    I would just like to thank You all, for you are absolutely amazing!

    P.S. I have updated our thread here on forums, so now there is the actual roster and several screenshots. Would you feel like some screenshots are missing up there, feel free to take them yourselves and PM me, and I shall link them beside the rest.

    Keep up the good work!

    P.P.S. If you would like to have a more customized skins to better fit the way you see yourselves in the game, or even would wish to estabilish some sort of hierarchy, just let me know and we can work things out.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    I beg your pardon, but I need to do my questioning first.
    What does USSE stand for, what are their goals and what are their means to achieve these goals?
    Jul 3, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    We have Lost This Wonderful Ship It has been Sunk by the one named Conzorr He is a Threat That must be eradicated
    Jul 1, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    I take it you would like to join the resistance. Good!
    Although, allow me to ask you two unfair and ridiculous questions - why the Redcoat faction? How would you imagine spending your time in Redcoat faction?
    Jul 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    Thank you very much!
    Took me some time, so it\'s definitely nice to have some positive feedback! :)
    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Cannot help but think they look like Saruman/Gandalf and Bruce Willis.