The Rail show off thread!

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Cylons, anyone?
    cylons? dun know what you mean with that.
    but for me, that looks like:
    1: a scanner bar
    2: wipers for your window
    3: some sort of robot display with a green bar (never understood it but did saw it once in a movie or something)

    anyways it looks cool :3
    Jan 25, 2015
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    Alright, had trouble getting a good GIF of it, but here's an automatic docking bay I just got working:

    great door you made there :)
    go to the thread USD dock and search for a video of sventheslayer,
    watch the whole vid you'll see 2 sort of doors (defenitly look at the second door). just sharing some inspiration :)

    anyways just done with my first shift of working on my full automatic missile launch turret.
    i think i'll just need to warm up, dat speed an progress i made :3
    for now i still need to controll the timer right but i do have a plan set up for the turret i cant wait to show the first gif.
    Mar 23, 2015
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    Alright, had trouble getting a good GIF of it, but here's an automatic docking bay I just got working:
    Outstanding! I've been thinking about doing just that, wasn't sure how feasible it was, glad to see it can be done.
    Apr 14, 2015
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    Ok I need help, I have a basic design, but the issue I have is that the ship won't move from a elevator (Ship) to the station, I am figuring cause it's docked to the ship entity, and not the station entity.

    Is there a way for a ship on rails, to continue along rails of a different entity.

    So what I have is

    Rail Elevator Station

    The ship will dock on the elevator, ride down to the basement, but won't proceed along the station. the only I dea I have come up with is to dock and undock the ship, but that stuffs up the idea of an automated hanger system.

    The other option is to have the entire rail and docking system as tpart of the elevator ship, but that simply transfers the problem to when I want to dock my second ship.

    Has anyone developed a way to hand the ship off from one rail ship to another rail ship?

    I am moving a big ship, it has taken 2000 mass modules to make it move at normal speed so I would prefer to limit how many of those I need to place everywhere lol

    Thanks for any help you can provide

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    Mar 2, 2014
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    Ok I need help, I have a basic design, but the issue I have is that the ship won't move from a elevator (Ship) to the station, I am figuring cause it's docked to the ship entity, and not the station entity.

    Is there a way for a ship on rails, to continue along rails of a different entity.

    So what I have is

    Rail Elevator Station

    The ship will dock on the elevator, ride down to the basement, but won't proceed along the station. the only I dea I have come up with is to dock and undock the ship, but that stuffs up the idea of an automated hanger system.

    The other option is to have the entire rail and docking system as tpart of the elevator ship, but that simply transfers the problem to when I want to dock my second ship.

    Has anyone developed a way to hand the ship off from one rail ship to another rail ship?

    I am moving a big ship, it has taken 2000 mass modules to make it move at normal speed so I would prefer to limit how many of those I need to place everywhere lol

    Thanks for any help you can provide

    Sorry to burst your bubble but this is not intended to work.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    You should be able to just have a single rail that toggles it's direction when the light gets to an end, it would be smaller and run smoother.
    Yeah, I figured that out a little bit later. this was just the way I did it when originally experimenting. ^^
    Apr 14, 2015
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    Sorry to burst your bubble but this is not intended to work.
    Ok so the a work around...i will try tomorrow when i get home...a dolly.
    R= rail
    d = dock


    The dolly will use logics and be the reverse on the otherside (cancel that).

    The idea will be you dock with the dolly in the centre. Trigering the dolly to move and trigger the elervator.

    When you get down the dolly moves forward. The front dock docks with the station rail and then the rear dock disengages. Allowing the dolly to move along the station rail....

    It might work the logics would be a few buttons and wireless modules i think. Maybe a not gate or time depending on how it works to ptevent floating the dolly could wrap around the rail.



    Dec 31, 2013
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    Ok I need help, I have a basic design, but the issue I have is that the ship won't move from a elevator (Ship) to the station, I am figuring cause it's docked to the ship entity, and not the station entity.

    Is there a way for a ship on rails, to continue along rails of a different entity.

    So what I have is

    Rail Elevator Station

    The ship will dock on the elevator, ride down to the basement, but won't proceed along the station. the only I dea I have come up with is to dock and undock the ship, but that stuffs up the idea of an automated hanger system.

    The other option is to have the entire rail and docking system as tpart of the elevator ship, but that simply transfers the problem to when I want to dock my second ship.

    Has anyone developed a way to hand the ship off from one rail ship to another rail ship?

    I am moving a big ship, it has taken 2000 mass modules to make it move at normal speed so I would prefer to limit how many of those I need to place everywhere lol

    Thanks for any help you can provide

    Sorry to burst your bubble but this is not intended to work.
    It would be awesome.
    Maybe later with magnetic auto-docking and 2 rail dockers you could do that. Just what would prevent it from docking directly after undocking?
    Apr 14, 2015
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    The logics would be. Ummmm tricky i didunno even if i can redock without human control....

    The only other option would be to create the rail system totally separate to the station.

    Which is possible i guess might be messy to set up.


    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    I think I have all the hard parts taken care of. This may have been better built in even symmetry mode though. Would need thrust sharing across entities to fly decently. Docked thrust sharing would also make building a FAST pack for it even more worth it.
    She's a little slow eh?

    Oh yeah, and forget about the canopy blast shield, this is a model of the toy where it is a snap-on part lost forever to the ages along with the booster/tail fin pack :( dammit tod.
    Last edited:
    Apr 28, 2015
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    This is so awesome!
    I've only played Starmade for a few weeks but realize how big this new rail-thing is.

    Haven't been able to build anything myself worth showing off yet, but here are my two cents:

    1. For RP, an exploding docking area. So you have a visit from another factions ambassador, and the latest trade agreement wasn't to your satisfaction. Well, as the ambassador is boarding his ship, press the remote button. First it undocks the whole docking area, where the ambassadors ship is docked, from the safety of your invulnerable homestation. Then it triggers the 200 hidden warheads that the docking area is made of.
    Now a new ambassador have to be sent and you can negotiate a new agreement. Of course your investigation will later clearly state that it must have been a leaking plasma conduit leading to an overload in the fluxcapacitator that caused the explosion. ;)
    And since the undocked exploding docking area is an unfactioned neutral entity it won't trigger war with you. Atleast not automatically. :P

    2. Patrolling guards.
    I read a suggestion about turrets moving around on rails on your base/ship. Well, for a bit more style how about making a hidden railtrack inside your base. Since you can have empty space between the raildocker and the rest of the entity put it far out in space, shape it to a ship, put some turrets on it. Make it turn in the corners of the railtrack and you should have a patroling gunship orbiting around your base.

    Have it floating close over your base instead, shape it to a torso, put some moving legparts between it and the base, shape the uppertorso to a turret and now you have a walking patroling mech guarding your station.

    Make it a fourlegged ATAT and have it patroling your shieldfacility on the forestmoon Endor. :D

    (If anyone have proposed the exact same ideas already I'm sorry for repeating.)
    Feb 8, 2015
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    I'm planning on a large solar sail ship with retractable sails. It will be interesting if extending causes turning to be sluggish.... Also I'm currently designing a planet defense system with patrolling turrets