IGN (must be exact) - LETHALVIP3RZZ
Experience- (How long have you played?) about 6 months last year, about a week since getting into the game again last week
Desired position- (must be a Lvl 1 rank) - trader
Why should we accept you? (Prior service in the DFN is not a reason. Pick something else.) I have realised that i am hopeless at building ships, and i enjoy salvaging, trading and purchasing in a calm or violent environment much more than i do fighting, and i have learned that im quite good at doing this :P
Can you fight? A little
Are you good at fighting? No
Can you use factories? 50% know how
Can you use cubatom? no, will watch tutorials on this
How often are you on, and when? every weekday except for the odd day for an hour/2 hours, and however long i want on weekends
Have you been in any prior factions, or are in one currently? This faction, during the war which shall not be named, but i got bored with the game, handed in my notice and now are looking to return
Have you been kicked from chat, a thread, or a server before? nope
Do you agree to the rules, and their punishments? Understood