Leader of Markonian Builders.Disassembled due to server reset
Leader of Markonian Alliance. Markonian Vassalage faction led by a trusted ally is formed. Markonian Fleet led by a trusted ally is formed. Coalition of 20 members. Disassembled due to server going down
Markonian Alliance&Vassalage formed on elwyn (7 members). i get pissed with general server and some guys after they kill most of our bases. cant remember who i suspected did it.
Triple M formed. 4 members. Disassembled as none of my friends played the game regularly so it was basically just me
Russian Brotherhood formed. 7 members. Server owner's uncle dies. Server goes down.
Markonian Alliance formed on tethys. 14 members. Than comes reset+whitelisting. 7 people disappear and another leaves to mushroom-fleet.
http://starmadedock.net/threads/the-great-novgorod-republic.3009/- sorta alive, i will incorporate that into the NPFCC (Novgorod Planetary Facility Construction Corporation) somehow (my to-be faction on New Eden server)
leave AA to go to NR (New Remnant)- wanted some exitement and a friend of mine had decided to go there instead of AA
Me and 3 others go to Feedupyourbeast server but after a failed attempt at colonising it for NR try out Elwyn-Feedupyourbeast is not an easy server. you need to mine like 100 planets to get established and money is worth little as blueprints are bought with blocks not money
A server=dead, NR=dead, (something to do with host not being able to keep server up? not sure) I=Factionless
Return to Elwyn after like a 6 month leave, Bring a couple of loyal people over (all the time keep hearing for 'this faction is on elwyn and is awesome' 'that one's on elwyn' 'this and that on elwyn' so i come here. Also been casually, more or less following this faction and other caldera ones as i liked the ships.