The Bane Existence (Procedural Faction)

    Jan 1, 2015
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    Slowly coming back to the game after nearly a year's absence. Going through what's been done since then and much enjoying looking through these ships, obviously meant to go with your fantastic station. I would really hope that your station and these fleet ships get scripted into a faction that truly would live up to the look of them. More however, I would hope that the combat power of these ships be as fearsome as the look of them.

    Have you put as much attention into making them combat worthy as you have their looks? In all the games I have played subsequent to my first couple of months, I have never seen a live pirate, as they are dead before they ever get into visual range. Can your ships stop a long ranged sniper missile barrage?

    On the ships I fly, I tend to use auto-turrets that fire powerful missile/beam shots, concurrent with (actually immediately subsequent to) a large spread of tiny decoy missiles to siphon off point defense fire. There is no easy counter to this short of having a ridiculous number of point defense cannon (my last fly-about ship had 46 PD cannon). However such cannon can be made small and to look like greebling. You could easily line the sides of these ships with quite a number of them. Given that they appear to be exclusively armed with shorter ranged beam weaponry, having the means to defend from such longer range standoff weaponry is IMO mandatory.
    Jul 15, 2014
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    There's pretty much no earthly reason to have that many PD turrets, since they'd usually end up targeting the same missiles. Missiles in general have been toned down a lot in the past few months, they barely carry any damage over when they take out shields and they're very poor against armour (at least, at the size scale the procedural fleets are working at). If you're stomping through them with missile turrets in any kind of speed then chances are your in a ship that they simply never stood a chance against regardless of weaponry.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Yes and no, Pacific. The fact of the matter is that if you stomp them correctly, missiles are far better for the job. You break through the shields with a constant-fire weapon, then blast them with a high-power missile to open a hole, then pore missiles into the now-vulnerable systems inside.
    Jan 1, 2015
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    I've parked my ship in front of a station firing sixteen independent missiles every second and my PD shoots ALL of them down, non stop. Admittedly this was a year ago and things may well have changed. But I seriously doubt that you can have "too many" PD.
    Jul 15, 2014
    Reaction score
    Yes and no, Pacific. The fact of the matter is that if you stomp them correctly, missiles are far better for the job. You break through the shields with a constant-fire weapon, then blast them with a high-power missile to open a hole, then pore missiles into the now-vulnerable systems inside.
    Yes, but that's working in tandem with other weapon systems. Missiles tend to work better the later into an encounter you get.

    I've parked my ship in front of a station firing sixteen independent missiles every second and my PD shoots ALL of them down, non stop. Admittedly this was a year ago and things may well have changed. But I seriously doubt that you can have "too many" PD.
    AI turrets all use the same scripting to pick their targets, simple matter is as you place more the likely hood of them picking the same target increases, especially as you place them close together. One or two dozen AMS turrets will usually be enough for any ship, after that you've reached saturation point. It's why dummy missiles work so well, especially as since they're slower the AMS turrets waste more time with them whilst your damage dealers move in quickly. If you really want to mess with AMS turrets logic fired broadsides work really well, since it gets them pointing in the wrong direction, less useful at range though.

    This is getting a bit off topic anyhow. I haven't downloaded them to try, though I imagine the difficulty of the Bane ships would be challenging enough for new players, not necessarily for people who know what they're doing. Some of the other fleets are going to be harder, some will be easier.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    • Competition Winner - Stations
    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Legacy Citizen 10
    Slowly coming back to the game after nearly a year's absence. Going through what's been done since then and much enjoying looking through these ships, obviously meant to go with your fantastic station. I would really hope that your station and these fleet ships get scripted into a faction that truly would live up to the look of them. More however, I would hope that the combat power of these ships be as fearsome as the look of them.

    Have you put as much attention into making them combat worthy as you have their looks? In all the games I have played subsequent to my first couple of months, I have never seen a live pirate, as they are dead before they ever get into visual range. Can your ships stop a long ranged sniper missile barrage?

    On the ships I fly, I tend to use auto-turrets that fire powerful missile/beam shots, concurrent with (actually immediately subsequent to) a large spread of tiny decoy missiles to siphon off point defense fire. There is no easy counter to this short of having a ridiculous number of point defense cannon (my last fly-about ship had 46 PD cannon). However such cannon can be made small and to look like greebling. You could easily line the sides of these ships with quite a number of them. Given that they appear to be exclusively armed with shorter ranged beam weaponry, having the means to defend from such longer range standoff weaponry is IMO mandatory.

    Since they were for the fleet contest the main objective was exterior and interior so I didnt have a ton of room for systems. Since I knew I could never make them super beefy due to lack of space I focused more on speed and agility. The largest ship in the fleet does have 8 pdt but the other smaller ships have to rely on their other attributes. The Destroyer is a bit more damage focused and has built in physical shields to absorb more damage.