Tired of cataCLOGs? Need something to fight other than powerplayers and pirate isanths? Does the shaft of the spawn shop offend your eyes and feel...stale? Come play! Blueprints all IN SERVER creations and approved by admins! Pirates are a REAL threat until you have a competent ship. Freeport is a trading and social mecca like no other spawn!
Website: http://tinyurl.com/jw4ezt4
Vote Here: http://starmade-servers.com/server/445/
New Server Address: tethys.thesmelter.com:25653
New Server Stats: Quad Xeon CPU, 2gb (currently) DDR3 ECC RAM, SSD RAID drive, 1Gbit uplink, North america server location
New Server Settings:
NO whitelist
NO blueprint spam
55k starting cash
100 top speed
VERY slightly lowered loot
Protected spawn AND surrounding sectors
Upgraded Pirates
Structured Faction system
Storyline RP available but not enforced
This post will be enlarged as I work on it. Also, any input is appreciated. Id love do do it myself, but I'm doing it FOR you all. If you want to see something implemented (that is possible) Ill consider it. If you want to apply for a position as a builder or admin, Ill require you to come over and register on the website, and have a few days in game.
Those who have played on the Tethyscraft server know what was started there, and know my style. Here is what is next:
The catalog system remains as it is, any ship with enough style and efficiency may be considered for entry into the catalog by request. When building ships you want saved, think about how you want us to use them. Should they be on the open market? Only available to a certain faction? Or even only in the hands of the pirates!
Freeport is the first destination for aspiring pilots in the Tethys Galaxy. A collection of hulls discarded and bolted together around four larger asteroids in a central sector. The Freeport stations are none the less well maintained, run by one Admiral Johan Freeport (retired) of the GFS. While his history is with the federation, by mutual treaty even the Rim Clans respect Freeport Space. The Reavers stay far away in most cases, any attempt to come in is generally met with the force of every other government in the galaxy as they congregate around this trading mecca.
Factions must be vetted and accepted by the admins into one of three categories. This process can take up to a week depending on the current balance of the server. To start a faction you must gather 1 or more people besides yourself. Any factions with less than this will be removed after a week if they do not approach an admin about being vetted. If you DO approach an admin with less than the required amount, you will be given a grace period and help with recruiting.
Galactic Federation of Sentients
A benevolent republic of many governments working together to keep peace in the galaxy. All factions in this group start out allied with eachother.
Independent Rim Clans
Far flung and independent worlds, stations, and clans, with no strong ties to any other. All factions in this group start neutral with all others. Generally found 20 or more sectors from Freeport.
Even further flung raiders, slavers, pirates, and occasionally cannibals, distrusted and/or hated by the rest of the galaxy. All factions in this group are at war with everyone else. Reavers will be set out around 50 sectors from Freeport. They may not claim inside that radius, but are free to raid.
Some basic rules:
1) PVP is allowed, if your ship is not docked to a home base or in a protected sector, you'll likely come back to wreckage or an empty spot, or get in a fight of course.
2) None of this pushing ships out of protected sectors, they're protected for a reason. If its seen or heard of there will be repercussions. Ships NOT in protected sectors already are completely fair game even if unmanned.
3) Be decent: excessive swearing, any spamming, plugging other servers, or generally being someone who is going to push other players away from the server will get admins on your butt.
Website: http://tinyurl.com/jw4ezt4
Vote Here: http://starmade-servers.com/server/445/
New Server Address: tethys.thesmelter.com:25653
New Server Stats: Quad Xeon CPU, 2gb (currently) DDR3 ECC RAM, SSD RAID drive, 1Gbit uplink, North america server location
New Server Settings:
NO whitelist
NO blueprint spam
55k starting cash
100 top speed
VERY slightly lowered loot
Protected spawn AND surrounding sectors
Upgraded Pirates
Structured Faction system
Storyline RP available but not enforced
This post will be enlarged as I work on it. Also, any input is appreciated. Id love do do it myself, but I'm doing it FOR you all. If you want to see something implemented (that is possible) Ill consider it. If you want to apply for a position as a builder or admin, Ill require you to come over and register on the website, and have a few days in game.
Those who have played on the Tethyscraft server know what was started there, and know my style. Here is what is next:
The catalog system remains as it is, any ship with enough style and efficiency may be considered for entry into the catalog by request. When building ships you want saved, think about how you want us to use them. Should they be on the open market? Only available to a certain faction? Or even only in the hands of the pirates!
Freeport is the first destination for aspiring pilots in the Tethys Galaxy. A collection of hulls discarded and bolted together around four larger asteroids in a central sector. The Freeport stations are none the less well maintained, run by one Admiral Johan Freeport (retired) of the GFS. While his history is with the federation, by mutual treaty even the Rim Clans respect Freeport Space. The Reavers stay far away in most cases, any attempt to come in is generally met with the force of every other government in the galaxy as they congregate around this trading mecca.
Factions must be vetted and accepted by the admins into one of three categories. This process can take up to a week depending on the current balance of the server. To start a faction you must gather 1 or more people besides yourself. Any factions with less than this will be removed after a week if they do not approach an admin about being vetted. If you DO approach an admin with less than the required amount, you will be given a grace period and help with recruiting.
Galactic Federation of Sentients
A benevolent republic of many governments working together to keep peace in the galaxy. All factions in this group start out allied with eachother.
Independent Rim Clans
Far flung and independent worlds, stations, and clans, with no strong ties to any other. All factions in this group start neutral with all others. Generally found 20 or more sectors from Freeport.
Even further flung raiders, slavers, pirates, and occasionally cannibals, distrusted and/or hated by the rest of the galaxy. All factions in this group are at war with everyone else. Reavers will be set out around 50 sectors from Freeport. They may not claim inside that radius, but are free to raid.
Some basic rules:
1) PVP is allowed, if your ship is not docked to a home base or in a protected sector, you'll likely come back to wreckage or an empty spot, or get in a fight of course.
2) None of this pushing ships out of protected sectors, they're protected for a reason. If its seen or heard of there will be repercussions. Ships NOT in protected sectors already are completely fair game even if unmanned.
3) Be decent: excessive swearing, any spamming, plugging other servers, or generally being someone who is going to push other players away from the server will get admins on your butt.