Teleporters like in star trek

    Having Teleporters?

    • Yes

      Votes: 19 63.3%
    • No

      Votes: 11 36.7%

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    May 24, 2015
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    A new type of teleporter block is unnecessary once the warp gates act as point-to-point gates.
    Anybody wanting to make a wide range of warp locations will just have to make a gate room with a dozen gates or something.
    I like warp gates, and small 2 block high personal warp gates would be a suitable transporter in my book. However, instead of having a whole room of them, what about a dialing system like on Stargate? How much fun would it be if you went up to a warp gate and just dialed a random number to see who's base you would pop out in :) Or not, if they have it protected / locked down some how? how cool would it be if I could just dial into a warp gate at spawn?

    right now warp gates are limited to people who can protect both sides from getting destroyed. A lone wolf like me, just can't use them in their current form.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    lol My gates have enough firepower to guard themselves but also they act as respawn points, public factories, and a nice place to dock to hide from pirates. People tend to not want to nuke them because they do more than poof you somewhere. :)


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    Heck, actually, if the warp gates let you come out of the actual gate, you could make a transporter room out of that. Build the gate horizontal instead of vertical, and put a door over the top. You go into the room on the second floor, press the button to open the door, and you fall through the gate. When someone comes through your gate, they fall out the bottom of it into the receiving room below the departure room.

    That would be very like a Star Trek style transporter at that point, while still letting you stand the gate up for Stargates.