I've Been trying to desing a fairly potent compact fighter (dual barrel cannons/cannons with the new update to be used with a mothership (swarmer) but ive come up to a wall... i dont know what Im doing wrong but ive been dueling an isanth with the same weapon system as me (Cannon/cannon) and when ive engaged him I quickly destroyed his weapon computer then he proceeded to run away from me... I was chuckling at his failiure for a while when suddently I noticed that it did not just blow up... It took (approximatively) 20 mins to destroy enough block to finally overheating the poor thing... I was really but REALLY feeling like beating on a dead horse.. specially when he stopped moving without any thrusters... and now im wondering did i do something wrong? I mean before you only needed 1 cannons/cannons and you could kill one fairly qucikly before...