Take 3 millons years killing an isanth?

    Feb 10, 2013
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    I've Been trying to desing a fairly potent compact fighter (dual barrel cannons/cannons with the new update to be used with a mothership (swarmer) but ive come up to a wall... i dont know what Im doing wrong but ive been dueling an isanth with the same weapon system as me (Cannon/cannon) and when ive engaged him I quickly destroyed his weapon computer then he proceeded to run away from me... I was chuckling at his failiure for a while when suddently I noticed that it did not just blow up... It took (approximatively) 20 mins to destroy enough block to finally overheating the poor thing... I was really but REALLY feeling like beating on a dead horse.. specially when he stopped moving without any thrusters... and now im wondering did i do something wrong? I mean before you only needed 1 cannons/cannons and you could kill one fairly qucikly before...
    Jul 15, 2013
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    I posted a similar thread some mounths ago, I link you so you can see what people think http://starmadedock.net/threads/small-ships-dogfighting.20356/ . I agree a small ship like isanth take a ridiculous amount of time to kill because there's not much system blocks and most of them need to be destroyed to make it overheat. What I'll suggest is having bobby turrets firing on it. As they target system blocks it's useful to hit them all without loosing too much time guessing where they are under the hull. But fighting will be less frustrating if you use a larger ship (like 5k mass or more) as they can destroy isanths with low TTK, and fight between ships of even mass is better balanced as mass scales up.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    Aim for the meaty bits, it helps. I was turned off dog fighting for a while until I started doing it more than one on one. I load in 4 more of my own ships as AI and 5 Isanths. Despite being inferior in size my fighter group usually comes out on top.
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    Feb 17, 2015
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    Try a secondary weapon system on your fighter, like wing mounted missiles.

    My fighter I equipped with four of 200/200/200 cannon cannon punch (2400 blocks total), then a shield killer system, and now trying to cram in a long range stand-off weapon system to finish it.

    When in doubt, target lock and fire! :P
    Dec 28, 2014
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    I've Been trying to desing a fairly potent compact fighter (dual barrel cannons/cannons with the new update to be used with a mothership (swarmer) but ive come up to a wall... i dont know what Im doing wrong but ive been dueling an isanth with the same weapon system as me (Cannon/cannon) and when ive engaged him I quickly destroyed his weapon computer then he proceeded to run away from me... I was chuckling at his failiure for a while when suddently I noticed that it did not just blow up... It took (approximatively) 20 mins to destroy enough block to finally overheating the poor thing... I was really but REALLY feeling like beating on a dead horse.. specially when he stopped moving without any thrusters... and now im wondering did i do something wrong? I mean before you only needed 1 cannons/cannons and you could kill one fairly qucikly before...
    isanths are small scale armor tank..take a look at their hp values. It has nearly double its structure HP in armor. so most of what you're shooting as armor. I'd say its working as intended IMO. as far as what to do to kill them faster

    1. dont aim for the isanth center of mass. all their systems are in the wings. you're just shooting armor
    2.add a punch through weapon that does extra armor hp damage. I havent messed around with this alot but missile + beam + punch is effective


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    If you want a wider range of more up to date fodder to test against here's some ZimmTech .

    As for dealing with the Isanths yes they are about 80% armor so they have a ton of HP for the amount of blocks you need to kill. I've stripped them of most internal blocks leaving empty shell and they were still ticking. XD