Strangest Glitch Yet Last Night, The Picard Manuever


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    So, last night I was helping a returning oldbie that hadn't played in nearly a year get set up on our server, explaining how the new stuff worked. Gave them a million creds for a station, a mining ship, everything they'd need for a quick start, and they go off and find a nice system to claim and start building in. Okay, all is well.

    They're out mining when pirates attack, they rush back to the station and dock, but are still taking damage. They forgot to make it a faction home after claiming the system, whoops.

    Then things got WEIRD.

    Not sure of the exact sequence of events, but it looked like the mining ship zoomed off 2km away from the base and was hanging in space at an odd angle, except that it wouldn't come up on the nav computer, couldn't select it, couldn't enter it, and you could clip straight through it. Tried relogging, tried Tab+F6 to redraw the sector, no good. Complete ghost ship. We got the server admin involved, he was stumped as well when the guy said he couldn't dock back at the base, that there was some kind of invisible wall there. We head over there, and we can see his docking beam stop in mid-air for no apparent reason, while mine hit the block just fine.

    And then suddenly my ship goes into spasms like I had clipped into a solid object. When I finally break free, I hit a solid invisible wall as well.

    I decide to use the salvage arrays on my ship to try and map out this invisible wall, and then I get the notice that solved it. It was giving me the "You can't salvage this base" warning, AND the "You can't salvage this ship" warning.

    The mining ship was still there, docked. Unselectable, and projecting it's image 2 km away. It was pulling the Picard Maneuver while at full stop.

    So, we have him delete the rail block to force an undock, and as soon as he does the mining ship ghost 2 km away goes solid and shows up on our nav comps, and aside from some random twitching, everything goes back to normal.

    Whole time I've played Starmade, I've never see anything like that. Invisible ships projecting ghost images is just freaky.

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    An issue like this happens with turrets as well. The turret goes ghost and can be flown through.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    lol seen that a few times. I've got one that is just as annoying. Sometimes my station will going into super stretch mode where the image gets bent out of shape. Oh any here's the best part, Collision box totally MIA. >_>
    Jul 4, 2013
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    I get this sometimes if i "Admin Warp" into a sector.
    Then Stations and ships "project" ghost images of them self a few kilometers away and often they are not orientated correctly.
    I oriented myself by pressing c and the station was at a 45 degrees angle.

    Leaving the sector and let it unload and then flying in at normal speeds to give it time to load correctly has almost every time solved the issue.

    I am guessing this might also happens when you play with increased flight speed and i heard for some of my friends it sometimes happenens when using the regular jump drive.


    Eldrich Timelord
    Jan 16, 2014
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    Yeah, my last super-capitol ship I was working on had the same thing happen to all 6 of the AMS turrets I was docking to the front of it. They'd "Picard maneuver" to the neighboring sector as soon as I docked them. Otherwise they work normally; still rotate like they are docked, still intercept missiles (though from a neighboring sector BEHIND the main ship).

    Interesting thing I noticed from build mode was that the symmetry guide/marker planes that normally only extent 5-10 blocks past the "end" of the ship now extended forward and backwards to the neighboring sectors, and the ship turned like it was 10km long instead of 1.1. (REALLY-REALLY-Poorly, instead of just like a beached whale)

    Now of course that ship is shelved as "patch-broken, unrecoverable" and I've moved on, but it should still be in my junkyard sector if anyone's interested in exploring the "WTF" moments.


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    lol seen that a few times. I've got one that is just as annoying. Sometimes my station will going into super stretch mode where the image gets bent out of shape. Oh any here's the best part, Collision box totally MIA. >_>
    I've seen this as well. Seems related, as the station stretches out and can be flown through. I find that relogging has me about a km away from the actual location of the station. Like its doing the exact same thing as the ghost ship I mentioned above, but with the additional stretching and the fact its fixed when you log. The ship one lasted through reloggings.


    Jan 19, 2014
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    I think this is sometimes caused by being near the edge of a sector.
    Dec 23, 2013
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    I've seen this before also. The edge of sector glitches, particularly near planet sectors which I call the "La Grange points" produce some odd behaviors.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    Stations actually orbit planets when in their sector too. Gets really fun when the orbit is on the edge of the sector. :)