Recognized Stasis Pods/Modules On ships to preserve logoff locations.

    Apr 20, 2015
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    Right now there's an issue with you logging off from a ship that is either drifting, or can easily be moved. Even more so if you happen to be flying at full speed and disconnect. Getting back to your ship is an inconvenience that I think could easily be worked around with the implementation of something like a stasis module. It would work similar to a spawn point, but instead of being a spawn point, it would manage login location, provided you logged off from within the ships influence.

    Additional from the scenarios above, I can think of a lot of reasons for this on multiplayer servers. On my server i'm running with a couple of friends, i am building a carrier that has a docking port for my friend's ships. The problem is, I can't really move that ship while they are offline, or they will login to outter space, and be minus a flyable ship. If I was able to place stasis modules on the carrier, they could either interact with those modules to specifically designate which module they wish to use as their point (considering if they each have their own rooms, for example), or it would automatically assign players a module within the ship's influence if they happen to log off either manually or through a disconnect while aboard the ship. This would allow the ship to move about freely without ruining their login location. They would log back in aboard the ship regardless of where that ship is now located.

    If the stasis module is removed, it should provide a warning first stating that people are assigned the specific module, and if still removed, re-assign those assigned to a different module if they exist. If there are no other stasis modules present on the ship, and the module is removed, I suppose at that point the login would be left at where the module was removed (meaning it could very well be in the middle of space somewhere if the ship moved from that point) or simply have their login be their respawn point. (just thinking of options here..)
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    Aug 1, 2013
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    Sounds like a pretty good idea to me. I think if the chamber is destroyed they should spawn at its last know location.


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    To be logical, if the stasis module is removed or destroyed while a player is assigned to it, the player should login at a standard undeathenator location (hopefully with a message telling them why they are spawning there), to simulate being murdered in their sleep. I would think that spawning a player in the middle of nowhere is less than fun.
    Aug 1, 2013
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    To be logical, if the stasis module is removed or destroyed while a player is assigned to it, the player should login at a standard undeathenator location (hopefully with a message telling them why they are spawning there), to simulate being murdered in their sleep. I would think that spawning a player in the middle of nowhere is less than fun.
    Hmm.. True. Yeah that sounds better.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    But you should be able to move blocks elsewhere.

    If killed by a weapon : they are able to see the logbook entries of the ship (damage taken, faction) at least if the ship has a com-link with the spawn station.

    If removed by build mode, the remover should be able to set a new stasis-pod for the person in it (or cancel the destruction).
    Apr 11, 2015
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    If removed by build mode, the remover should be able to set a new stasis-pod for the person in it (or cancel the destruction).
    Just make it have a pop-up screen like when you delete a shipcore with the message: "[Username] is currently using this Stasis Module, are you sure you want to delete it?"


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    I would like to add the suggestion(s) that stasis modules should be able to set faction rank permissions, and that they should automatically assign gravity to a spawning player so they can login even if the ships is in motion.
    Apr 20, 2015
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    I would like to add the suggestion(s) that stasis modules should be able to set faction rank permissions, and that they should automatically assign gravity to a spawning player so they can login even if the ships is in motion.
    Faction module functionality would certainly be a must. Would be too easy for an enemy player to get near your ship, then log off, then back in and *poof* now inside your ship destroying your stasis modules.

    That is also a good point with the auto-grav...


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    The OP might be a possible compliment to this already-planned one. We know there's a plan to save a player to a ship on logout, and this might just be the way to do it.

    Here's my two cents:
    1. I want to see the player frozen in the statsis tank (skin and all) and a display on the tank with their username. Sure this would require a bit more overhead, but considering you'd only have a few of these on a ship at most, that's not much of a concern.
    2. An alternative would be using a bed and treating it the way the OP suggested. As long as you don't have to get in the bed before logging out to be saved to the ship, I'm happy with tying this function to a statsis tank or bed if that's what the community really wants.
    3. I would like to have at least the option to log back in to the same location instead of being returned to the statsis tank or bed.
    Apr 20, 2015
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    The OP might be a possible compliment to this already-planned one. We know there's a plan to save a player to a ship on logout, and this might just be the way to do it.

    Here's my two cents:
    1. I want to see the player frozen in the statsis tank (skin and all) and a display on the tank with their username. Sure this would require a bit more overhead, but considering you'd only have a few of these on a ship at most, that's not much of a concern.
    2. An alternative would be using a bed and treating it the way the OP suggested. As long as you don't have to get in the bed before logging out to be saved to the ship, I'm happy with tying this function to a statsis tank or bed if that's what the community really wants.
    3. I would like to have at least the option to log back in to the same location instead of being returned to the statsis tank or bed.
    I'd like to see people physically sitting at a gunner seat, or in a flight chair. I would personally like to physically see the people aswell in stasis, but that doesn't seem to be a theme for Starmade. If that becomes a thing, great, but if not, no real loss.

    The main reason I suggest using a block, is because as simple as location recording may seem on a programming level, it can be, or it might not be. Since the idea is that the ship is moving about, you would not be able to save your coords in the overall world. It must reference a certain point on the ship. If you weren't to use stasis blocks, it would have to be the ship core. But what if the ship is rebuilt? In relation to the ship core, you could log in to a closed off room, or even in space if the ship came under attack or was just rebuilt. An option to log back in either where you logged off, or at the stasis/bed might not be doable, and I do not see many downsides of having to log back in at the stasis. How many times you are going to be logging off and on in a short period of time? A one-time walk back to where you were shouldn't be a problem. This would also prevent people from building their stasis deep inside their ship in an inaccessible place. It would have to be physically reachable. Both encouraging design, as well as helping combating exploitations. Another option would be to have a timer to determine whether they log back in where they were, or at the stasis. For example, having a timer of 3-5 minutes should be sufficient to preserve your locations due to a disconnect. Log back in within that time, and you'll log back in in your exact location. Beyond that though, it would assign your login coords to the stasis. I'd imagine this timer could be a variable changed by the admin of the server if you really wanted to..

    The block should be simple to build. No need for a huge elaborate system, so you can atleast place it on smaller ships and have it actually function to preserve your disconnects while in a small ship such as a fighter. Having the block itself would also give a drawback to just flying around in a core with no other blocks attached.

    Both on a programming and gameplay level, I think a designation block would be the best option for this issue. Whether that be a stasis module, or a bed like you suggest. I would not mind either. They are sorta the same thing. Heck, maybe they could just be alternatives? Though if you were going for "realistic", a stasis would make a bit more sense, as it would indicate "frozen", which could be applied to not currently in the world. (still though, I think beds would be neat as an alternative, disregarding that.)
    Jun 23, 2013
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    This would seem like a reasonable way to add ship undeathinator as well I guess... personal clone bay/stasis pod combo, either as one cheap block or as two separate. That way you could select between spawning in your pod for carrier / ship spawn point or at the station undeathinator without having to try and juggle around using same block for stations and ships and storing data for both.

    We could always go one step further and use limited respawns on carrier pods and charge them like jump drives... although, I'm not sure if that's worth the effort because it'll either get real tedious real fast or automated and thus better managed by adding power drain or other such effect into the block itself. Maybe it could work if you can store multiple clones in a pod so you don't have to stop for arbitary 30-60 sec of creating a new clone for yourself every time in a battle, as a carrier fighter pilot. Ah, pointless rambling, it's what I'm best at :D


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    For those who think it could be either a bed or a stasis pod and so might require a second block, remember that it will be a single block, and builders who like to build up their interiors will make a simple bed, an elaborate, glassed-in, lit stasis pod, or anything in between.
    Apr 20, 2015
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    This would seem like a reasonable way to add ship undeathinator as well I guess... personal clone bay/stasis pod combo, either as one cheap block or as two separate. That way you could select between spawning in your pod for carrier / ship spawn point or at the station undeathinator without having to try and juggle around using same block for stations and ships and storing data for both.

    We could always go one step further and use limited respawns on carrier pods and charge them like jump drives... although, I'm not sure if that's worth the effort because it'll either get real tedious real fast or automated and thus better managed by adding power drain or other such effect into the block itself. Maybe it could work if you can store multiple clones in a pod so you don't have to stop for arbitary 30-60 sec of creating a new clone for yourself every time in a battle, as a carrier fighter pilot. Ah, pointless rambling, it's what I'm best at :D
    This suggestion is steering clear of spawning. Not to be touching undeathinators. Spawning on ships is a different subject. It's already been discussed that undeathinators are not to be placed on ships, and the purpose of this block has an isolated goal exclusive to spawning. This is strictly to handle preservation of disconnects and logging off in a moving environment. If you were going to go with undeathinators on ships, it would probably be in the form of a cloning vat... But again, that is not the subject here, and should be exclusive from the purpose of this module.

    For those who think it could be either a bed or a stasis pod and so might require a second block, remember that it will be a single block, and builders who like to build up their interiors will make a simple bed, an elaborate, glassed-in, lit stasis pod, or anything in between.
    That is a good point.. The fancy of being able to build things in your own image. The block could simply be necessary for the function, while one could design a bed out of blocks to their liking.


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    For those who think it could be either a bed or a stasis pod and so might require a second block, remember that it will be a single block, and builders who like to build up their interiors will make a simple bed, an elaborate, glassed-in, lit stasis pod, or anything in between.
    Yup, my favorite bridge design I actually ended up making the core block the seat of the captain's chair. As in, to command the ship, one must go and sit in the captain's chair. The ship wide red-alert button (that kills the overhead lights and turns on red chase lights throughout the ship interior) is activated by a button... that is the seat of the 1st officer's chair.

    Now we'll just conveniently ignore that these chairs are 3 blocks tall, and hence the size of a one story house...
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    Scary grrrrr
    Oct 11, 2013
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    I really like the idea of stasis tubes, the cryo tube rooms on my ship might finally have purpose.