In Developement Starting Story-/Questline

    Mar 13, 2016
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    Hi i thought it would be nice, when you not just always start at the shop, but on different difficulty Settings you start at different locations and Backgroundstory and maybe quest.

    For example, on hard mode you are the only survivor of a spacebattle.
    Where the remainings of the battle are your starting pool.
    With constant and increasing attacks of one of the comming Factions.
    The goal could be ,to survive and build up a fleet and defeat the Faction.

    Another example, for easy mode :
    You are the heir of a great trading company, missed you ship home and stranded at a station in a relativly poor sector.
    You have a lot of cash , but have to find a way home to take over your company.

    This are just examples, maybe you guys have some better ideas.
    What do you think ?

    Aug 1, 2015
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    Well I started a new world on hard setting and your first example was very close to the way my game started,i was on a shop and when I left a fleet of 10 isanths came and blew my ass out of the galaxy!!!! It would have been nice to have some better meta items to build a more battle worthy ship for that first encounter.o_O
    May 8, 2015
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    Keep in mind that the developers are currently working on a new spawn station, which will function as the trading guild "capital," or something like that. Perhaps eventually we may get the option to start as members of different factions from the beginning of the game at that faction's capital. My guess is that difficulty is more or less going to be based upon how far outside the center of the galaxy you are.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    Yes there will be a new spawn station in the works and your actual spawn point will be cryogenic chamber. Additional lore and story should be handled by an NPC quest system I believe.

    Configurable starting options would be great for servers though... I'm not really sure how to tag this one. Yes a story/quest is planned/in the works but maybe not exactly in the way envisioned here.
    Sep 29, 2013
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    I don’t think it even has to be to story specific. Just spawning into different environments and with different starting gear will make your own story.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Just a random thought as I looked at this thread.....Has anyone else noticed that the "In Development" tag is misspelled?

    I agree with the tag, as a system for this is planned. Really, this game is sort of like Bethesda games, in which you choose who and what you're going to be (Even if there's no character-creation system).
    You choose what factions and other players think of you....a starting point is just a reason for you to exist in these games. (An example being that you're captured in Skyrim simply because it's a convenient way for you to become important to the story, not because there was any reason for the Imperials to capture you)
    Mar 31, 2015
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    Hi i thought it would be nice, when you not just always start at the shop, but on different difficulty Settings you start at different locations and Backgroundstory and maybe quest.

    For example, on hard mode you are the only survivor of a spacebattle.
    Where the remainings of the battle are your starting pool.
    With constant and increasing attacks of one of the comming Factions.
    The goal could be ,to survive and build up a fleet and defeat the Faction.

    Another example, for easy mode :
    You are the heir of a great trading company, missed you ship home and stranded at a station in a relativly poor sector.
    You have a lot of cash , but have to find a way home to take over your company.

    This are just examples, maybe you guys have some better ideas.
    What do you think ?

    Well, I do have a server under development that does just this. Got a little side tracked with the new job. I figured out how to make a ship explode shortly after spawning.... So, when you issue a server command, you'll get spawned off to some random starting sector, with this ship that has it's reactor go up in a puff of smoke.

    The server will be very noob friendly. Part of the benefits of spawning a player with a ship is that a new player ALREADY has a ship, although, the challenge is there because the ship lacks a power core and they will have to use their power beam to power it. It also was a method to have a hadcore server with a way for players to keep playing (after issuing the server command to start the scenario over again, the payer again is spawned with a basic starting kit--which includes the power beam, the one thing that you HAVE to have if you have no other gear or credits, and no shops in sight). Only thing that's left is to finish the python script that captures server command (pretty easy, probably will be done tonight--the new Java launcher fixes some issues that make my life a bit easier), and then create the starting station, which will include a basic tutorial on ship construction (not so easy).

    Anyway, I'm off to the data center to hook up my ssd drives (got a bigger one for the machine that'll run starmade, others will be using the drives for the OS partition as that'll get limited writes).

    If you want to help build the server content, shoot me over an email, and I'll send you the server info... unfortunately this site lacks PM messages... soo shoot me an email at d b moyes at google's email service if you want to help and tell me a bit about what you want to do on the server.