Starter vessel contest

    Aug 3, 2013
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    Greetings I am Wolfe.
    I have a star made server, NEW Starmade streamer SERVER details on how to play on it are in the thread.

    I am gonna be hosting a build off event, on my star made server for new starter ship designs. we are a new community so we need cool things to populate our Galaxy. If you want to get involved. just join us on the server and get to creating some new content. we want you guys to enjoy the server as much as we do.

    so here are some key points for the kinds of ships we are looking for. ships can be of a similar aesthetics in mind, however it is not required. We do ask that these ships be kept relatively small and simple in its design. you don't need to dumb them down, but you don't need to build massive star destroyers. have fun in what you do whatever it is. but try not to over do it.

    you can submit some new ships for us to give out as beginner ships to populate on the server. the process for this contest will be as simple as possible. just get to building them, and post them to the star made dock.

    Then we as a community will review them for server wide use. we will hold some voting on the best designs. the winners get their ships distributed at spawn. we will be setting up an area at our spawning station for the ships you will be submitting. players can then acquire the ships and use them to conquer the Galaxy!


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    Are you looking for ships that can be built just from the starting blocks of a vanilla Starmade game, maybe plus some that can be bought with the starting credits? Or just a general frigate-fest or corvette-coterie? It sounds like you are not yet too concerned with limiting to starting blocks and credits, and I wanted to make it clear.


    Eldrich Timelord
    Jan 16, 2014
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    I see. I'll be awaiting criteria myself too.
    What are some guidelines? I understand "not everything has to be ultra-huge" and a laisais faire "build it and they will come" community vote,
    -Leave space for customization?
    -rough guidelines for starting equipment? Guns to kill anything, shields to survive for days? Make it a fair fight vs say 1-2 scavenger fleets? Mining-fleet-in-a-can? Camera-stick? Tutorial-boat?


    Aug 11, 2013
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    Like a few of the others, I'm interested in seeing the definition of "starter ship" refined a bit more.
    Aug 3, 2013
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    Ill be posting full criteria as soon as we decide upon the more important specifics. such as a limit on size. as stated we don't want Huge titans, because if the players chose to produce them themselves, it would be rather expensive for a beginner player to do so. we want ships you can make easy and quickly in a survival setting. we just haven't decided on what that limit is yet. for safety sake id say nothing over 2000 - 5000 meters my personal preference. not too large a single player cant fill its blueprint in a few hours of play.

    for now however I offer up three examples which are our current line of ships we offer right now.
    Combat role - Wolf Tech Liberty Class Gunship
    Salvage Vessel Role - Wolf Tech Liberty Class Salvage Vessel
    Cargo Vessel Role - Wolf Tech Liberty Class Cargo Vessel

    my examples are basically the same ship refit to fill the three roles, (additional roles are also welcome) they all have the same hull design so its relatively easy to mass produce them if someone wished to do so. I chose the simple and easy to produce mass design model to supply the basic start for the players to begin playing with.

    my ships all share the same aesthetics and look like they are part of a fleet line of ships, but that kind of styling isn't required. take this as only an example to guide your designs. also you mite notice none of them dominate their respective roles. they are built to start off playing not dominate servers. however they aren't completely useless at performing their assigned tasks. they are simple, yet not by any means dumb down.

    so consider that when building your ships.
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    Apr 11, 2015
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    That's a great comparison of ships you have there RoyalWolfe! It makes sense to reuse a good hull for several tasks. I was just thinking the same thing for my line of ships.


    Aug 11, 2013
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    Those examples remind me of the Aurora from Star Citizen, in both their form and purpose. Nicely done!

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    Nov 14, 2013
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    Those examples remind me of the Aurora from Star Made, in both their form and purpose. Nicely done!
    *Star Citizen

    That ship actually translates really badly into SM. :P


    Aug 11, 2013
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    *Star Citizen

    That ship actually translates really badly into SM. :P
    Thanks. :D

    And yes it does translate badly, but many ships don't quite translate well.

    The OP made a neat looking ship that works decently well. It just reminded me of the Aurora. :P

    I'm working on the MISC hulls. :P


    Eldrich Timelord
    Jan 16, 2014
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    Ill be posting full criteria as soon as we decide upon the more important specifics. such as a limit on size. as stated we don't want Huge titans, because if the players chose to produce them themselves, it would be rather expensive for a beginner player to do so. we want ships you can make easy and quickly in a survival setting. we just haven't decided on what that limit is yet. for safety sake id say nothing over 2000 - 5000 meters my personal preference. not too large a single player cant fill its blueprint in a few hours of play.

    for now however I offer up three examples which are our current line of ships we offer right now.
    Combat role - Wolf Tech Liberty Class Gunship
    Salvage Vessel Role - Wolf Tech Liberty Class Salvage Vessel
    Cargo Vessel Role - Wolf Tech Liberty Class Cargo Vessel

    my examples are basically the same ship refit to fill the three roles, (additional roles are also welcome) they all have the same hull design so its relatively easy to mass produce them if someone wished to do so. I chose the simple and easy to produce mass design model to supply the basic start for the players to begin playing with.

    my ships all share the same aesthetics and look like they are part of a fleet line of ships, but that kind of styling isn't required. take this as only an example to guide your designs. also you mite notice none of them dominate their respective roles. they are built to start off playing not dominate servers. however they aren't completely useless at performing their assigned tasks. they are simple, yet not by any means dumb down.

    so consider that when building your ships.
    I see. I'm currently challenge-building a "disposeable miner" that can be assembled entirely from refined scrap (build-block consume a derelict FTW). Planned with "empty space" and/or easily remove-replaced sections of scaffold&girder etc to properly outfit it on the fly.
    Give me some feedback on it's current incarnation, I'll try to work in any changes you'd think think appropriate. Do you guys support USD? Dockers&rails themselves use a material other than mesh&crystal, so it would be a "ready-to-upgrade" area if I bother at all. Also, I hope your players start with a flashlight, since lights can't be made from a recyler either....


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    Sep 5, 2013
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    Here is a link to the starter ship that I built based on the requested specifications of the server I play on. I think it's a bit of a cadillac as far as starter ships go, based on the power of the salvage array, but opinions vary.
    Aug 3, 2013
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    In understanding for the soon to come power update. we will not be setting a deadline or specific time to end the contest. well really I probably not call it a contest. lets say building challenge event. but anyway lets just agree to call it an event for the time being.

    anyways, lets also agree to not put any restrictions on the ships overall designs till we know exactly how the new changes will affect our ability to redesign our ships, in order to function under the new power system overhaul. I cant really guess or speculate on how things will change till we actually get a chance to even see what the changes do. for now lets say that a starter ship is defined by its minimum ability to function for new players till we get more ideas on what we will need in the future.


    Eldrich Timelord
    Jan 16, 2014
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    In understanding for the soon to come power update. we will not be setting a deadline or specific time to end the contest. well really I probably not call it a contest. lets say building challenge event. but anyway lets just agree to call it an event for the time being.

    anyways, lets also agree to not put any restrictions on the ships overall designs till we know exactly how the new changes will affect our ability to redesign our ships, in order to function under the new power system overhaul. I cant really guess or speculate on how things will change till we actually get a chance to even see what the changes do. for now lets say that a starter ship is defined by its minimum ability to function for new players till we get more ideas on what we will need in the future.
    Hopefully you rotate-in different ones "as they currently work" and make this reoccuring. Far as I read, the whole news was a "what do you think? Ahh, ok we'll hold off and work on making something concrete for months in 500N-time...."
    Aug 3, 2013
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    that was the original idea. we actually intended to run it regularly and rotate the ships every once and a while so that things stay fresh.

    I just didn't expect such a huge game change to happen right when I was setting this up. it kind of blind sighted us to learn they mite become obsolete. so yeah things are kind of chaotic right now. hopefully we can get organized when things finally get stable as what needed to change.


    Eldrich Timelord
    Jan 16, 2014
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    that was the original idea. we actually intended to run it regularly and rotate the ships every once and a while so that things stay fresh.

    I just didn't expect such a huge game change to happen right when I was setting this up. it kind of blind sighted us to learn they mite become obsolete. so yeah things are kind of chaotic right now. hopefully we can get organized when things finally get stable as what needed to change.
    LOL it's alpha bro. Will always be chaotic. ;)
    Aug 23, 2013
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    I just didn't expect such a huge game change to happen right when I was setting this up. it kind of blind sighted us to learn they mite become obsolete. so yeah things are kind of chaotic right now. hopefully we can get organized when things finally get stable as what needed to change.
    What game change? There hasn't been a significant game change for ages.

    If you're thinking of the recent power system proposal; then you can expect it to take a month or more before they even decide what (if anything) they're going to do, and then probably another 6 months before they actually do it. All the people that enter your competition will probably die of old age before that change is released.


    Aug 11, 2013
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    that was the original idea. we actually intended to run it regularly and rotate the ships every once and a while so that things stay fresh.

    I just didn't expect such a huge game change to happen right when I was setting this up. it kind of blind sighted us to learn they mite become obsolete. so yeah things are kind of chaotic right now. hopefully we can get organized when things finally get stable as what needed to change.
    You're building starter ships. The energy change won't be all that stressful. If this was a titan building contest, your concern would be understandable.