Starship Tech Tree

    Jun 24, 2013
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    I was reading over all the intresting ideas here and my very own popped into my head, a tech tree

    something to tie all of these together for all the unique items we have or wish to have.

    i will start off on the engine tech, which will use the manufactured parts from the game like crafting to create

    the engines like on minecraft so you cant just buy them outright from shops, 2000 at a time...

    Level One Engine Tech:

    Basic Thrusters, Thier output is tied together but can be no more then 50 per engine block, so each engine housing can get the ship to 50kph but no higher, not even with extra engine blocks. Would require 2 leves in crafting machine items to make 1 thruster.

    Level Two Engine Tech:

    Mid Level Thruster Assembly, a manually player built different colored thruster block that when added to the other thruster level one blocks gives a 3% bonus to speed per block added, mostly for frigates and larger ships, requires power to operate, drains overall power 2-3% faster then normal thrusters. u would need basic thrusters, plus three levels of other componets to create 1 mid level thruster

    Level Three Engine Tech:

    High Level Thruster Assembly, a manually player built different colored thruster block using advanced comonents from the manufacturing blocks that cant be bought that when added to the other thruster level one blocks gives a 4% bonus to speed per block added, mostly for frigates and larger ships, requires power to operate, drains overall power 5% faster then normal thrusters. you would need siginicant resources to buile these as you would craft basic, then mid level thrusters and thier componets, then craft this engine and its special components, to get a high level engine core

    Level Four Engine Tech:

    the highest level crafted engine avaliable, this core is for F.T.L travel this engine would require significant time and resources and would be faction based, require shields and alot of power to open a stable rift for the ship to transit to hyperspace (nether idea) and then exit when destination is reached. This would require all the privious components plus power generators and other unknown items.

    If you have any questions im avaliable on skype at color98dove if u wish to discuss this and other ideas for engine tech, and soon my other tech ideas.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    I\'d love to see something like a tech-tree. players would try to get to the strongest items, and so there would be things to achieve.(yes i know, if you are creative enough you won\'t get bored but more options mean more fun, right?)
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Yes, The Idea of the tech tree is to use materials found throught out the universe and combine them in a new block (maybe Crafter Block), but make it more like minecraft craft afterall it uses the same engine i dont see why we cant have a crafting system for our own engine system, and perhaps in time we can have a system for player shops to sell thier player crafted items, and such, as most people already want, but thats a ways off for now.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    You would need the following components, A Crafting Block for crafting the T1E, then 1 build block in the center, 3 red hull on the top like so (HHH), then 2 power 3.4 cores on either side of the build block (pbp)

    then on the bottem level you would need 2 more red hull and a proton reactor core, HRH,

    the crafting recipie would be like so:




    The idea is reincient of a minecraft build block that allows for crafting of all sorts and for specialized uses of items ingame, but functional and not functional on thier own.
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    Shields are ok but are boring, same color, same def values aginist enemy weapons fire, but what if we changed that because no 2 races are the same and the very idea of creativity is inspireing this idea...

    Shield Array Block, whould control the shield intentisy, color, and bonus applied under that shield system.

    Shield Emitter Blocks would in essence remain the same, deploying the shield in the same way, but only to the outside of the ship, not to each block connect to the ship, mechicanics might need changing there, for example if u mannage to discharge thier shield and remove block a from the hull then when the shield recharges block b would still be covered but where block a was, there is now a transparent air block for the shield to stay the same way and not be blockly designed, hope you followe me there, anyways.

    Shield Colors would vary by users choice, the more intense the shield the more power it needs

    as only a titan could have the most intense shields, but if left on 24/7 would drain massive amounts of power

    Shield Generator Blocks, Would be grouped together in the bowels of your ship and would require power to form the shield, where as the emitters would emitt the shield itself

    (like this p is power e is emitter g is generator and h is hull

    Let me know what you think, ok
    Jul 11, 2013
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    • Purchased!
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    You don\'t need levels or tiers for systems... 1 kind of system fits all. Sooner or later you will realise that engineso n a large ship are exactly the same as engines on small ships - only difference is their size. Principles are exactly the same, working mechanics are the same. Size, size and size again...

    Also, as you add larger and larger systems, they take longer times to load and \'\'wake up\'\'. This in itself is a property of large systems, there is no way of getting around it with \'\'tech levels\'\'.

    Schema needs to focus on fixing bugs first.. Game has a lot of potential but there will come a time when he can sit back and start implementing tech trees. Just not yet in my opinion.

    Yes, we COULD have different tech levels and better and worse components to use on ships. Problem is that EVERYONE will choose the highest tech components - price is NOT an issue in this game. You will end up with 100% elite, FTL capable, 10000 DPS Frigates with 3 million shields because everyone will fly only the best parts (due to various little exploits and work-arounds in game).