starmade steam glitched

    Jan 25, 2015
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Councillor 2 Gold
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    ok so this is pretty complicated, let me start with the situation:

    i have a laptop and a computer, my laptop is too weak to do anything in starmade but building.
    the computer though is located in the living room, where it is noisy (i use teamspeak so..) and smokey (sigarettes). also once very hour someone has to use it, thats why i prefer using my laptop.

    i recently bought starmade using humble bundle, and installed it on first on my computer then on my laptop.
    now here is the problem: i player starmade on the computer 1 time and after that closed it down, some time later i wanted to play starmade on my laptop but i got a message: you are already logged into another computer playing starmade, continuing will end that session (a session i already ended). so i hit ok and it never started.
    after waiting 1 day and 1 night, it did work (meanwhile i was playing on free version).
    now it comes and goes from time to time leaving me waiting, at the moment i don't have much trouble with this as i have the free version that has no limits, but later when limits are added i'd like to freely move around

    i didn't know who else and where else to ask, thats why i put it here at game support


    Customer Experience Manager
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    • Wired for Logic
    This sounds like a steam limitation on the game library.
    (Possibly due to family account sharing?)

    If you have two registry accounts, try to use an installation outside of steam, the weaker computer will thank you, to not have to render the overlay.

    Just get the launcher via the download button on top of this page, and let it install.

    - Andy
    Jul 17, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Tester
    as far as i do understand, after linking the steam buy to the registry your account here is upgraded and will always be the full game account.

    other than for the steam features (you know .. breaking games, forced updates or using system resources for no reason and so on :p ) you do not actually need Steam for Starmade at all.

    that said ... sounds weird and stupid for Steam to do that.

    edit : i am far to slow on the keyboard ^^
    Jan 25, 2015
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Councillor 2 Gold
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    This sounds like a steam limitation on the game library.
    (Possibly due to family account sharing?)

    If you have two registry accounts, try to use an installation outside of steam, the weaker computer will thank you, to not have to render the overlay.

    Just get the launcher via the download button on top of this page, and let it install.

    - Andy
    i think you could call it account sharing if i use 2 devices, but other than that, no, it's my personal account created to get starmade via humble bundle.

    if i understand it correctly, you are suggesting to use the paid version on the good computer and the free version on my bad laptop?
    this doesn't solve the problem of the upcoming limitations, i know they will come sooner or later.

    as far as i do understand, after linking the steam buy to the registry your account here is upgraded and will always be the full game account.

    other than for the steam features (you know .. breaking games, forced updates or using system resources for no reason and so on :p ) you do not actually need Steam for Starmade at all.

    that said ... sounds weird and stupid for Steam to do that.

    edit : i am far to slow on the keyboard ^^
    i bought the game via for $1 but they only give steam codes, so i have to use steam for the paid version.


    Customer Experience Manager
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    • Wired for Logic
    i think you could call it account sharing if i use 2 devices, but other than that, no, it's my personal account created to get starmade via humble bundle.

    if i understand it correctly, you are suggesting to use the paid version on the good computer and the free version on my bad laptop?
    this doesn't solve the problem of the upcoming limitations, i know they will come sooner or later.
    Oh it does,
    the limitation and thus a possible denial of startup of the game, will be tied to the registry status "upgraded" or "limited".
    So regardless of the source of your game installation (steam) or in-house launcher, you only bypass the steam limitation. Not ours, the registry does not care how many logins are used at the same time on one account.

    - Andy
    Jan 25, 2015
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Councillor 2 Gold
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Oh it does,
    the limitation and thus a possible denial of startup of the game, will be tied to the registry status "upgraded" or "limited".
    So regardless of the source of your game installation (steam) or in-house launcher, you only bypass the steam limitation. Not ours, the registry does not care how many logins are used at the same time on one account.

    - Andy
    smart as always!