Actually, I found the game looking for another game I saw advertized on curse network, something about building a world with polygonal prisms instead of cubes (I forgot the name so I was using my search-fu). Saw this, thought it might be another minecraft knockoff but with an interesting premise, so I downloaded it.
Fell in love. Realized it might be a successful crossing between two of the best games of all time (minecraft and Eve online). realized it was highly moddable.
Now I am simply waiting for it to get to a stable enough state (and for someone to design a modloader) where I can start modding in non-cube \'flavor\' items. He has already broken with pure cubes (as noted by sloped blocks) and so non-cubicle items are distinctly moddable. (furniture, weapon block add-ons that look like gun barrels or missile tube, 1 for 2, 2 for 3, and 1 for 3 slopes and angles, decorative angled blocks, more types of glass and colored glass) as well as extended types of items that can only be created with blueprints (armor blocks with increased mass and armor rating, weapon blocks with altered special effects, better damage, better rates of fire, increased mass) and more ai options ( \'improved\' Bobbies that can read the catalog for a ship, and automatically replace missing or destroyed blocks, as well as using repair beams effectively, bobbies that can continue to work even while you are piloting, firing broadsides and rear-mounted weapons effectively)
And, of course, stuff to keep players happily occupied while you fly around in your carrier looking for reasons for them to board fighters and leave the safe confines of your ship.
I have PLANS. figuring it will be over a year before I get to start implementing them, though, since I don\'t want to be caught in another minecraft-style development cycle of constant updates just to make it work with the game.