Starmade Launcher Problen

    Aug 29, 2014
    Reaction score
    Hey this is my first time posting on the forums, so be gentle :s

    Recently I have moved houses momentarily so my big desktop computer is still being moved leaving me with me with my Mac. For a week or so I have been playing Starmade but recently the v15 launcher has stopped working. The problem is the launcher just wont let me do anything, i open the 'Starmade starter' and i can only click on the bar with minimize, expand and quit buttons. And even these buttons don't operate, i can literally not do anything on the launcher, it is just frozen there not being able to be minimized, expanded or closed. I cannot click on options, help, community, refresh, option & repair, start game and start dedicated server. The whole launcher is totally inactive just sitting there. The only thing i can do with the launcher is holding the window and moving it around. The installation path is in the green and i have the newest launcher version.

    Please help me >_< Thanks ^_^
    Jul 17, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Tester
    So i do have no ideas about Mac things ... but
    is there any Sandbox/Firewall/Virus Programm running that maybe prevents Java from beeing properly executed ?
    is the Java install for the system uptodate ?
    try to download the Launcher again and runn it from a different folder ?
    Aug 29, 2014
    Reaction score
    As far as i know there is nothing running in the background that may effect Starmade. And also Starmade seems to be fully installed correctly. At the moment i have hardly any internet so in a month when i get 100 more gigs ill try to redownload. Thanks for your help so far ^_^