StarMade Dock: Family Friendly?

    Do you believe StarMade Dock should be family friendly?

    • Yes

      Votes: 38 52.8%
    • No

      Votes: 34 47.2%

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    Dec 17, 2014
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    Forums have always been considered the "the face" of a game. It's been that way through ~20 years of gaming and, yes, toxic forums will indeed push people away. These forums aren't as bad as some but there is a real element that should have just waited until release.
    Mar 15, 2014
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    Should be, yes.

    It has NEVER been, sadly. The Dock is one of the saltiest and most vulgar places I've been on the internet, and why I tend to stay away. This community is worse than a junior high school clique of rich spoiled brats. Granted, i'm 39 and have no tolerance or patience or respect for such personalities on the internet, but it is what it is. A lot of other players I've talked to on servers never come to The Dock for the exact same reason.


    Eldrich Timelord
    Jan 16, 2014
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    Should be, yes.

    It has NEVER been, sadly. The Dock is one of the saltiest and most vulgar places I've been on the internet, and why I tend to stay away. This community is worse than a junior high school clique of rich spoiled brats. Granted, i'm 39 and have no tolerance or patience or respect for such personalities on the internet, but it is what it is. A lot of other players I've talked to on servers never come to The Dock for the exact same reason.
    If you think the dock is "salty"...and particularly "one of the saltiest"...
    Somebody has never experienced; reddit, Chan, MOBA forums, Steam community, club penguin, political rallies, or much of the world online and off.
    The dock is super-tame, and quite frankly the "drama" here is about as salty as bottled spring water. The only salt I see is from the tears of outrage that people aren't outraged enough...
    Jun 29, 2016
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    I've run busier forums than this, with far more unruly members. The moderating here is a paradise of leniency. No complaints though.

    Generally, moderation disputes arise from a divergence of expectations for the community. Alterintel, does this forum have a mission statement? If not, the moderator team should consider writing one. Once you know what you want, what you are aiming for, then you can let that guide your moderating. It also allows you to point people to it when they don't see eye-to-eye. Mission statements differ from rules and ToS in that some members can and will follow the rules to the letter and ignore their spirit in order to pick fights with other members and the moderators. A mission statement should be an aspirational document, all about the spirit of the community and how you would like it to be. It helps to keep everyone 'on the same page'.

    Oh, and for what it's worth, IMHO if the game is rated for under 18 then the forum should be family friendly.
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Should be, yes.

    It has NEVER been, sadly. The Dock is one of the saltiest and most vulgar places I've been on the internet, and why I tend to stay away. This community is worse than a junior high school clique of rich spoiled brats. Granted, i'm 39 and have no tolerance or patience or respect for such personalities on the internet, but it is what it is. A lot of other players I've talked to on servers never come to The Dock for the exact same reason.
    It's funny you should mention that. The guys I used to play StarMade with avoid this forum like the plague; citing the same reasons you stated and have abandoned the game entirely due to encountering these same kinds of personalities in multi-player. Some say they may play again when more SP/PVE content is added but for now, they've all left in favor of other games.


    Tech Wizard
    Oct 26, 2016
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    Instead of loading the question one way by saying, "Should we think of the children on Starmade Dock," let's load the question the other way by asking, "Should the admins delete more posts to protect the snowflakes?"

    And the answer is:

    [Post deleted by moderator for reason: -1 disagree]

    Gosh, that was an enlightening conversation.*

    * If you are a mod and you just can't understand how this is a relevant, informative post that conveys an opinion, you probably shouldn't be a mod.
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    Jan 19, 2014
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    With every single warning I issue, and every single post I delete or edit, I think: is this something I want my 10 or 12 year old son, daughter, niece or nephew to see?
    The better question is has Shine consulted with a lawyer about just what kind of liability nightmare it is to allow kids under the age of 13 to use an online service; even with informed parental consent (the obtaining of which is a logistics nightmare)?

    You know what most online services do to protect themselves from liability, and the logistics expenses, when it comes to having users under the age of 13?

    They flat out forbid anyone under the age of 13 from using their service. Parental consent be damned! They just plain aren't allowed.

    The big 3 social networks certainly have more resources to work with and yet all forbid users under 13 in their TOS, even if they're trying to portray a public image of being "family friendly."

    I'm honestly surprised to look at the forum TOS and not see anything at all about it. No restriction on age. No requirement for definitive proof of parental consent (usually obtained via a financial transaction). I guess the game being in alpha and the community not being super massive has meant that it wasn't an issue that needed to be dealt with yet. Of course now that you've made it an issue...

    So, if this is really all about the children then there's the standard solution. Problem solved! However if it's not about the children, well... perhaps it's time to reflect on the implications of having to couch it in those terms to make it sound more reasonable.
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    Dec 3, 2013
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    My vote goes to yes. But that is with the assumption that its more or less a 13+ kind of Family Friendly. As an example a MC server I was staff on would allow swearing, but it couldn't be directed at someone (no calling people fuckwads, or the like) and no spamming of swear words in chat. It also meant to keep any sexual references PG13 OR make them obscured enough that most kids wouldn't know what you really meant. That covered pretty much every thing as far as chat rules went.

    That being said if people wanted it to be 18+ in the forums I don't have much to complain about, as I'm used to that being the case with the internet.
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    Jul 30, 2017
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    If you think the dock is "salty"...and particularly "one of the saltiest"...
    Somebody has never experienced; reddit, Chan, MOBA forums, Steam community, club penguin, political rallies, or much of the world online and off.
    The dock is super-tame, and quite frankly the "drama" here is about as salty as bottled spring water. The only salt I see is from the tears of outrage that people aren't outraged enough...
    I have to specifically second this. Maybe there have been some incidents back before I joined the forum, but since I've been here everything's seemed civil and in good humor. There's disagreements, sure, but those happen anywhere and really shouldn't be suppressed (even if some people are clearly wrong and dumb).
    I've been an internet user for quite a while, and even before the chans there was a similar tough-skinned and hard-nosed culture on IRC and Usenet. And you know... it's not really in spite of the crass bluntness and "bants", but because of them, that those sort of communities tend to be more honest and down to earth, because there's no personal reputation to uphold, feelings don't matter, and whatever you say is going to be judged on its own merit alone.
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    Oct 10, 2015
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    Here in Australia the PG rating (second lowest rating - Frozen is PG for example) allows the use of swear words up to "shit", with the occasional "fuck" if justified by context (for example in Spaceballs). Don't stress about profanity - kids will have heard worse on the playground. What should be moderated is harassment, bullying and those sorts of things.

    Also seconding about the unmoderated nature of chans and IRC being valuable. There is no karmawhoring, or passive-aggressive posting. People are straight honest with you, which ironically means there's a lot less harassment and bullying than on sites like Reddit. People there don't care about you, they only care about what you're saying.
    Jul 30, 2017
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    Do you think the quality of the forum would improve if it was switched to an anonymous posting system? EG. the moderators can see who you are, and they can post with a visible name/ID, but regular users can't do either.


    Alpha is not an excuse
    Jan 3, 2016
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    Do you think the quality of the forum would improve if it was switched to an anonymous posting system? EG. the moderators can see who you are, and they can post with a visible name/ID, but regular users can't do either.
    SO 4 chan then? Yes, that'll work "well"not
    Jun 11, 2016
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    I've been an internet user for quite a while, and even before the chans there was a similar tough-skinned and hard-nosed culture on IRC and Usenet. And you know... it's not really in spite of the crass bluntness and "bants", but because of them, that those sort of communities tend to be more honest and down to earth, because there's no personal reputation to uphold, feelings don't matter, and whatever you say is going to be judged on its own merit alone.
    "Feelings don't matter" That's so wrong. Many people got very personal feelings towards me when I had a different opinion than the majority of this forum.

    Many arguments here were fought very fast on personal accusations.

    The argument "people who use strong language are in general more trusthworthy and speak the truth more often" is interesting. I think it has some truth in it. Some people (the typical ones are upper class ones that try hard to be the better human, but way more often just ordinary people nowadays) tend to just ignore arguments when the other guy starts to use strong language or starts harassing. The thing is that this idea has to be read backwards: People who only accept nice talk and deny people who start talking a little more freely are not very trusthworthy in general.

    So its totally fine to speak your mind freely. But this is an ability many people here are not grown up to, because you have to actually read your opponent, if it is able to understand your rant. You can't just blunty rant and complain just because you feel like so. You have to know when the other dude understands your strong language, and you still have to know, that the other dude doesn't take it very personal. In many cases on this forum, strong language or honest words here gets used to directly attack another dude. And that makes the justifying idea "people who use strong language are in general more trusthworthy and speak the truth more often" more a joke. I personally don't thrust people at all that try a little bit to hard to hurt my personal feelings.

    Like 90% of matters that get discussed here on this board (including power talks!) should not be taken so serious that foul language is even needed.

    The thing is, that many normies here on this board (oh look when people start using snowflake I can use normie too: snowflake implies a very limited view because the person thinks his opinion is justified because he has a right to be heard as minority; normies implies a very limited view of a person, because he thinks his opinion is right as he can go ignorant through life following the biggest crowds behaviours - these two terms can be used like everywhere just look if the opponent is part of the majority of minority opinion...) take some problems, like my request for more moderation some days ago, very very serious. The point again: you can allways talk a little bit more open - but in the right meassure. Or you agree with everyone that this is a troll board.

    One personal thing: I request the usage of snowflake only when its justified. Urban Dictionary: Snowflake

    Snowflake's as the internet defines them are people who "cry murder" as soon as they get counter argumented. Like...immediatelly after the first counter argument. There is a difference between complaining after getting a lot of negative crique to his opinion, or to get annoyed just right after this first counter argument. So actually this term is more suitable for the people here that quickly use strong language on this board and call other people snowflake just because the assumed snowflake gets not as much backup for his opinion...Or for people who call out small moderational edits a threat to the freedom of speach, best recognisable when I made a topic to request heavier moderation (so this forum doesn't become annoying to read from all the normies, like those that immediatelly got salty when the devs announced to stream the newest power dev-build...). Just saying that one important part of being a snowflake is, that you actually complain bitterly and relentless. Gosh.
    Last edited:
    Jul 30, 2017
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    "Feelings don't matter" That's so wrong. Many people got very personal feelings towards me when I had a different opinion than the majority of this forum.

    Many arguments here were fought very fast on personal accusations.
    Which was exactly my point, they were arguing with YOU and not what you wrote.
    The argument "people who use strong language are in general more trusthworthy and speak the truth more often" is interesting. I think it has some truth in it. Some people (the typical ones are upper class ones that try hard to be the better human, but way more often just ordinary people nowadays) tend to just ignore arguments when the other guy starts to use strong language or starts harassing. The thing is that this idea has to be read backwards: People who only accept nice talk and deny people who start talking a little more freely are not very trusthworthy in general.
    That's not really the point I was trying to make at all. My point is that people who don't have a personal ego investment in a discussion will tend to be more honest and straightforward.
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