Just a question to those concered about docked hulls/shields:
Consider me a completly new player, and please explain how you feel the proposed shielding system favours docked shielding?
Not intending to be offensive, I would just really like to understand your view-point. Thanks!
(Personaly I've quite enjoyed using multiple shielding layers for ship components in the past, but I don't see how I can really do that here).
From what I understand:
-Shields can have some over lap, but only like such where they cannot have significant overlap or the smaller shield will be disabled.
-Shield placed on docked entities will not protect blocks on the mother, however the shield will still be disabled if it intersects a shield on the same, mother, or another entity that is bigger than it.
Therefore, the closest you could get to the old shield stacking would look something like this:
-From what we understand shielding groups will gain bonuses the more blocks they have, making less groups have a greater total shield strength.
-For example, as above with the three protected zones, each could be 100k shielding each, providing 100k, 200k, and in the middile 300k worth of shielding (I cannot recall how excess damage is carried over after depleting a shield, would it be applied to the next shield covering the block?
-OR You could just cover the whole area with a 400k shield that takes up the same number of shield blocks as the three seperate groups.
If I have mucked up some part of my understanding please fill me in!
Consider me a completly new player, and please explain how you feel the proposed shielding system favours docked shielding?
Not intending to be offensive, I would just really like to understand your view-point. Thanks!
(Personaly I've quite enjoyed using multiple shielding layers for ship components in the past, but I don't see how I can really do that here).
From what I understand:
-Shields can have some over lap, but only like such where they cannot have significant overlap or the smaller shield will be disabled.

-Shield placed on docked entities will not protect blocks on the mother, however the shield will still be disabled if it intersects a shield on the same, mother, or another entity that is bigger than it.
Therefore, the closest you could get to the old shield stacking would look something like this:

-From what we understand shielding groups will gain bonuses the more blocks they have, making less groups have a greater total shield strength.
-For example, as above with the three protected zones, each could be 100k shielding each, providing 100k, 200k, and in the middile 300k worth of shielding (I cannot recall how excess damage is carried over after depleting a shield, would it be applied to the next shield covering the block?
-OR You could just cover the whole area with a 400k shield that takes up the same number of shield blocks as the three seperate groups.
If I have mucked up some part of my understanding please fill me in!