StarMade Alpha 0.082 Released: New Building Tool & Bugfixes


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    Hello and welcome to StarMade,
    This Version finally gives the player a way to place multiple blocks at once.

    Advanced Building Mode
    This mode can be accessed by holding control. You can now define a cuboid of blocks, which will get placed at once. This makes ship building a lot easier. Block will not be overwritten, if you overlap, and if you not have enough blocks left in you inventory, the rest of it will be placed.

    Note that I purposely kept a limit of a maximum of size 10, because ship building should be a challenge. That's why I won't add any very advanced tools to build ships. I want to keep it simple, and not emulate a 3d-modeling program. I will however in the feature release the format of importable ship-files, so modders can work with that.

    Bug Fixes

    • fixed multiplayer bug, that would disable the physics on the server, what resulted in glitched physics on the client (ability to fly/fall into other objects)

    • fixed bug, that caused ghost characters, and the inability to control anything after a missile hit

    • fixed bug, that players would get kicked out of their ship if any controller gets destroyed by missile

    • fixed bug, that would not update ship values correctly on missile hits

    Thanks for playing StarMade,
    - schema