StarMade 0.09358: Physics/Loot options for servers & new breaks


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    Hello and welcome to StarMade,

    this update has some more customization options for StarMade servers.

    All the new options will be available in server.cfg after the game was started with the new update once. You then have to restart for changed options to take effect.

    Customize physical damping

    Physics damping is the "resistance" a physical object gets by default. Normally in space there is no force slowing objects down (well, there could be particles etc). In my opinion have a little damping helps gameplay, since without it, ships will float away endlessly. But this is now an option for admins to decide. In the future there will be atmospheric damping also depending on where the object is.

    PHYSICS_LINEAR_DAMPING and PHYSICS_ROTATIONAL_DAMPING are the options for that in the server.cfg. A value between 0 and 1 can be set. Setting both to 1 makes them behave like they would be in very thick fluid. A value of 0 makes objects not slow down.

    New Breaks

    Breaking will now directly depend on thrusters, and also take power (if the speed is bigger then 0)

    Loot customization

    Admins have now the option to decide how much loot spawns from destroyed AI ships and in generated chests (like in pirate bases).

    The server.cfg options are:


    values of 1 are what was default before this update. If you want no loot to spawn, just set the values to 0. Very small loot would be something like 0.05

    Better item pickup method

    A bug where items would not spawn is fixed. You can now pick up items in space with the full size of the ship you are in.

    Thanks for playing StarMade,

    - schema