StarMade 0.0935: Long due features


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    Hello and welcome to StarMade,

    this update has some features that were announced for a longer time. The too a little longer, because they were not as easy to implement.

    Physics consistency for sector overlaps

    There is now no more ghost physics when ships or other structures overlap two or more sectors. All modules in the other sector are fully usable, even docking.


    For the server I used a shallow clone of an object's physics in other sectors, placing it in the relative position from the center of that physics context. Those "virtual" objects do not collide with the original object they spawned from and do not collide with each other, since the collisions of those objects are assured to be "real" somewhere else.

    Three big problems have been encountered. The first one was getting the right position to update exactly where it should. The second one was a physics glitch that caused ships to be fired away with over 10k speed. Giving non moving kinematics objects a collision was answered by transferring that power back to the other object, which lead to immense forces. The third one was getting docking/un-docking to work on docking blocks that are overlapping in a sector while the core is still in another.

    The only problem left with that approach is, that collision response is not exactly as it is if two objects in the same sector collide, but one can hardly notice that.

    Save/load of blueprints now possible with all docked structures & settings

    This feature needed a complete redesign of the blueprint file system, but it is now finally done. Not only is the system now much easier to understand. Each blueprint is now in a specific directory, and can just be removed, renamed, or added.

    Ships are now saved and loaded with all their attachments.

    Also, all current and future meta settings, like weapons distribution are now saved within the blueprints as well, so the days of tedious reapplying settings and docks are finally gone.

    Gravity overhaul

    Another critical feature I redesigned is the gravity system on moving objects as well as the gravity assignment process. Astronauts are now bound to a ship much more consistent, so being thrown around and falling of at high speeds is a thing of the past. Even sector transition while traveling in the gravity of a ship are no longer throwing players out.

    The old gravity assignment system was messy and convoluted code, so completely redoing it instead of fixing was the by far better option. The new system is now much more straight forward and much less buggy. Also bugs where players spawn away from their ship should be much less now (but a complete fix is not 100% confirmed yet).

    Two small features

    • Projectile size of AMC now is directly dependent on the damage of the weapon
    • Credits now longer jump to 0 if a huge transaction (thousands of L5 minerals) is made.

    Later this day, a new update with beetlebear's improved textures will come. So stay tuned.

    Also thanks to all the testers, and sorry for the misplaced build.

    Thanks for playing StarMade,

    - schema
    Jun 4, 2013
    Reaction score
    Well nice work Schema and any other devs who remain unknown to me.

    One thing I\'d like to ask though...what are your plans after the texture update?


    Apr 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Nice update! As for me collisions and docking over differents sectors were the only really annoying problems and having large ships firing something larger than a stormtrooper laser gun is pretty nice too.

    I just have a problem since the last update, but dunno if it\'s a bug: all my blueprints saved in local catalog just disapeared from the GUI list, the catalog manager as well as from the upload from local list. The smd2 files are still in the data folder, but no new folder has been created in the new blueprints folder.

    Would it be a bug or do I have to do something ?
    Jun 4, 2013
    Reaction score
    It would appear that there is a massive bug causing EVERYTHING to turn invisible, players, ship, starbases, shops, rocks, planets, stars, nav menu entries, ect...

    the GUI remains uneffected other than the map.
    May 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    Was wondering if i`m high when i noticed planets dissapearing right in front of my eyes :D Glad it`s not only me lol
    Aug 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    What about a more accurate teleport_self_home command?

    PLEASE I can\'t return to that spawn in front of the shop!

    Instead I go to some stupid plexundeathinator at a space station!