StarMade 0.0785: More Small Stuff


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    I worked some more and came to a point where the game was in a state to release, so why not. Here are the changes:

    • Transparent materials like glass didn't calculate any lighting and was optimizing away sides of adjacent blocks, when it should be treated like air when it comes to lighting.

    • Blocks with orientation were displayed in the wrong way. The sides didn't face where they should.

    • IMPORTANT: Orientation is now relative to the camera. For example if you press shift+forward when seeing the right side of the ship, the block orientation will be pointing to the left.

    • IMPORTANT: The fixed camera build-mode (activate by pressing left control in build mode) is now 100% accurate to the mouse cursor's position.

    • IMPORTANT: Multi Block Placement: When holding the left mouse button in fixed camera build-mode, multi block placement mode will activate. This means that you can rapidly place blocks while holding the mouse button. The placement is restricted to a 2 dimensional plane defined by a restriction of the dimension you last build on (sorry, I can't explain it very good)
      Example: you have a big plane, if you press and hold the left mouse button with pushing left control, you will be able to draw on the plane with new blocks. You can however only add blocks, that are directly above the initial plane. Trying it out for yourself is probably the best method to explain, since it's actually pretty simple (but hard to explain).
    Thanks for playing StarMade,
    - schema
    May 21, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 3
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Oops, previous comment went wrong...
    Just wanted to say that this is the greatest news of the day ! :D