Maybe you should take a closer look before posting such allogations. I can spot several significat differences on first sight, so his ship is most likely not stolen.Hello, when I first saw this thread I was quite impressed, but I am now quite sad. One of the ships that El_poulpy posted (tartan patrol cruiser) is a ship that I made, and I am quite disappointed that he would take it and claim it as his without posting any sort of credit to me. I spent a long time creating this ship and it is infuriating to see it stolen and uncredited.
I am not quite sure how he acquired it but it appears to be a significantly older version, as I have finished the greebling and detail work on it since then.
Here is proof that I am in fact the owner and creator, a picture of the finished ship and one of the first saves I made of it.
For those of you wanting a download, I just uploaded it to the Starmade Multiverse:
The default for max segments loaded is pretty low. Your computer might be able to handle more.Just had a look around your Venator and WOW. It's a whole other level of badass. Unfortunately though it's so large that I can never load in the whole ship at one time. =(
You just have to play with it and see what works best. Start from the highest and go progressively lower. If it crashes, it crashes. I use a graphics card from late 2010 (GTX 460 SE), and I max segments and the procedural background res no problem.I saw a value for max segments but I don't know what numbers to use that will be reasonable. I mean I could put any number in that box and it could crash everything. Any recommendations?