Sound, yes sound

    Jan 20, 2014
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    I know it's been suggested to death, but I think sound blocks should be added if not then perhaps a modding system that lets us create custom mods with new functionality like placeable sounds blocks. Big huge heavy objects moving in what should be an atmosphere on a ship with no sound at all is kinda weird. Even if in a space suit I imagine the sound would still travel through the deck plating.
    Feb 27, 2014
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    I think player enjoyment and envrioment should be prioritised over realism imo.
    As long as sounds are made toggleable I don't see any issue with them. I often have to put my own sounds/music while playing starmade otherwise it's just too bland (e.g no sound) imo.
    Weapons don't make a sound while firing, and for some reason theres a weird buzzing that comes from the core (but not any engines XD).

    Edit: For example, adding sound effects to jump drives makes them 10 times more engaging and immersive rather than the rather bland teleport it is now.
    Video from aceface
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    Jul 10, 2013
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    Linux users don't even get the core sound... nada rien que dale zitch nothing...


    Me, myself and I.
    Mar 12, 2015
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    I turn sound off when I play. Mainly because the sounds are a bit weird. The Sounds could do with an upgrade.
    Perhaps Schine could look at integrating a sound pack system like Tribes use to have. You could then have whatever sound pack you want and pick and choose depending on your mood.

    Also, having sound packs expandable could maybe allow servers to carry the sound pack index for multi-play integration.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    Linux users don't even get the core sound... nada rien que dale zitch nothing...
    Not true. The first thing I have to do on a new install is overwrite the core sound file with one that is tuned way down if I don't want to lose my mind over the constant wheezing noise. It is working and has been working for ages. Weapon sounds on the other hand play for the first one or two shots, after that, the sound engine just ceases to work.

    Sound not working properly is a known issue with a very low priority, and it's not limited to any specific OS. If sound is not working at all for you, it likely is an issue with your specific configuration. I am running StarMade under Linux with Pulseaudio, and for me sounds work as far as the game can get them working.
    Feb 27, 2014
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    Just some additional infomation:
    In Developement - Sounds
    Read by Schine - For the Upcoming Sound Improvements...

    I have already heard some of the work being done for music and sound design. All I can say is be patient and take solace in the fact that someone is working on it. Sounds in game is a highly requested feature. Please understand that focus on game mechanics or artwork or assets does not detract from sound production. The reason for the delay was due to simply not having musical talent in our team at the time.

    Personaly ambiance like this ocassioanly would be nice:

    Sound improvements are on the way... eventually. Right now space is pretty silent, which is realistic but a little boring. What I would like is to hear sounds from my ship only, not from other ships separated from by by vacuum. In other words, I want to hear:
    • My weapons firing
    • My engines roaring (maybe)
    • Weapons fire and objects impacting my shields and hull
    • My FTL drive screaming or whooshing
    • Maybe a different sound for and FTL drive activating near me, which could be caused by spatial distortions vibrating my ship or the atmosphere inside of it
    • My crew yelling at me for flying too close to the enemy titan (okay, players can fill that one in).
    • (very muffled) my handheld weapons firing. I'd essentially be hearing them through my suit.
    But none of these unless I'm in an atmosphere:
    • My weapons impacting on other ships/objects
    • Weapons firing on other ships
    • Engine noise from other ships
    • Other people's handheld weapons
    Slightly different sounds for in and out of atmosphere would be a definite plus. Perhaps even "wind noise" while flying through an atmosphere.

    This is a pet peeve. Sound does not travel through the vacuum of space. Whatever game I play, if I hear shield hit sounds from a nearby ship, I always think I'm getting hit and it's a nuisance. Cite suspension of disbelief all you want, or the overall unrealism of Starmade, but there's really no good reason to fudge this.

    Sure, make realistic sound optional so people can hear TIE fighters go boom like in Star Wars if they want to, but IMO the realistic sound option should be on by default.
    Aug 23, 2016
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    Not true. The first thing I have to do on a new install is overwrite the core sound file with one that is tuned way down if I don't want to lose my mind over the constant wheezing noise. It is working and has been working for ages. Weapon sounds on the other hand play for the first one or two shots, after that, the sound engine just ceases to work
    That's good to know. I've never had any sound, but I guess now that's at least partially a problem at my end.
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