Some type of FTL or warp travel in the future?

    Jan 11, 2013
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    So the unvierse is infinate and it makes any sort of fun PVP or long distance travel difficult and some what annoying.
    Perhaps just a jump machine (just example) that you enter a system code (that is relevantly close) and upon arival you drop all power and your Powercores are temporarily over heated then the worp core itself has a medium to long cooldown.

    Thanks for your time!
    Aug 29, 2012
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    or you could make a block (like a station block for example) lets call it a Warp gate block for now, the idea i have is instead of your ship being \"warp\" caperble you build a station (its just a block so build ya own gates :P) and you can link them to a second WG block in another sector (think freelancer jump gates) when approched your given an option to travel to sector (like a warp gate) and poof your there a could be a better idea plus we get to see more station types and it requires people to explore insted of warping to any random sector also being able to password protect gates so only faction memebers can use them :)
    Jan 11, 2013
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    Say ones base is at -99,-99,-99 and you\'re and 99,99,99. You decide to attack... Two days later you arive at the rivals base only to find he\'s moved it to -77,-77,-77.
    Where\'s the fun in having to plan weeks/months in advance that you want to attack the opponent so you can set a long chain of stations up for the assault. Not to mention you can do this without any fear of retaliation.
    But this is just feed back of my personal thoughts.
    Dec 30, 2012
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    At least the Home Bases are supposed to have a teleport back home system, so that the faction can reinforce and defend themselves, while the single Flagship of a faction should also have a teleport option so that other players can spawn on a block like the undeathinator, inside the flag ship, pick up a fighter/frigate/bigger stuff from the hangars and reinforce the attack on the target.

    The result of that can end in epic flagship vs home base wars :D
    Sep 6, 2012
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    So far I see no interesting argument for shipwarps or warpgates. On the other hand no warping/teleporting is good for the immersion. Time and space feel more real when travelling.
    Jan 11, 2013
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    But when does it turn from immersion to just holding \"W\" for you?

    For me, after about 20 minutes of travel and not getting to my destination I start to feel like the game travel is lacking.
    Sep 6, 2012
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    Schema already hinted that he will implement a voyage system soon. Features will be a routeplaner and autopilot. No more pressing \"w\" for hours.
    Another point against warps/teleports: This features shrienks time and space which is a key factor for an economy system.
    The plan for SM is that ressources have to be transported from regions where they naturally occur. This allows for a lot of interaction between players (trading & transporting) and warping will probably omit that chance for interaction.
    Theres just not much interaction when you can simply warp to the sector with the ressources or even right next to the asteroid you want to mine.
    This would maybe different if a system like the \"highways\" - that \"X Rebirth\" is utilizing soon - would be applied, where you enter a \"hyperspace highway\" that still allows interaction with others \"on the road\" (aka \"phew-phew\").
    Jun 27, 2013
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    Maybe you could build some sort of gate structure which accelerates you in a straight line to high speeds for a set distance. The size of ship that could use it would obviously depend on the size of the structure.

    You would have to build long chains of them with junction points and the like, also players partaking in a bit of piracy could destroy a gate in the line so ships going along on their merry way would find themselves at normal speeds and a prime target.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Gates would be cool, or a jump drive that requires fuel (and can be blocked by structures on a space station), along with structures that prohibit jumping out.

    Lots of possibilities that are probably fairly easy to put into the game I\'d imagine.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    in space stations for example. Have it require allot of power and perhaps 1 day to power up to make it more interesting. That combined with the fact that you cant have 2 stations in the same sectors means that sieges are still going to be very interesting. It even gives the defenders a very important target to go out and kill to protect their station.

    Aside from that I also believe that capital sized ships. Lets say above 2000 mass should be able to use special engine blocks that allows warp travel. Have it require a powering up and perhaps have it lower the shields during that time so that it cant be reliably used to easily escape. Also it would give people insentive to build carriers so that their smaller ships can follow them in the warp.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    I feel that teleportation in any game makes the world seem smaller. There are exceptions to this, but I feel the planned auto-planner and autopilot system that may be coming is a better option and less fantastical. Sure, travel is slow, but this is SPAAAACE.

    Space is big. Infinite, even, under some universe\'s rules. It\'s so big that technically nobody actually exists in it, because it\'s so brain bogglingly big that the sheer amount of stuff in it outnumbers the amount of stuff that can be considered to be a body.

    it should take a long time to get anywhere. That\'s what puts the Epic in Epic Space Opera. Space is full of large spaces.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    i think it would be bbest to have a block, that when connected to the main core enables you to \"jump\" to a different sector, at a max of 5-10 sectors away from where you started. it should have a long cooldown, as well as draining alot of power from your ship. adding more drives should enable it to make longer jumps, but not have alot of effect on the cooldown. they should also be quite expensive.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR you can have some kind of stargate or catapult (like in angelmass (BEST SPACE BOOK EVAR)) that allows you to warp to other gates, so then you will have to actually go there, make your reciving gate/net, and THEN be able to do such things!
    Jun 23, 2013
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    I like the ideas of highways. But if players were allowed to created the entry/exit points themselves, then those whiways would become incredibly numerous, especially around starting shops.

    But my main worry is that, like many derelict stations or ghost ship hulls drifting about, those \"Gates\" would start standing idle once those who built them and used them would either move somewhere else, or stop playing. While salvage is always a viable solution, \"hyperspace travel\" like so brings forth a real interesting and (metaphysicly) real issue: Hyperspeed doesn\'t mean instanteneous, but really fast. What happens though, if while you\'re merily hurling through hyperspace, the other end of the highway is cut. Welp. What then. Do you suddenly stop, stranded Science knows where? Dat G Force, man. Nnn.

    Do you keep momentum and just like, collide with whatever was gonna eventually going to be in your way? (Because to avoid this with fast travel in the first place, you\' be \"phased out\" from materiality to avoid collisions). BANG. But hey, no collision damage so I guess you\'re good. Might have some interesting bouncing consequences though.

    So, I think that those\"Warp gate blocks\" should obligatory be linked in pairs in order to work, and be pretty reasonable expensive to avoid spamming of those, as well as encouraging players to more carefully think about setting such routes.

    Of course, derelict gateways would bring a new aspect to game play, one which I\'d sure be part of: adventure! Where the hell does that old, forgotten gate leads? Nobody\'s used it in weeks.. nobody seems to really know either anymore. What could be on the other side? Nothing? An empty shop? An armada of pirates? A friendly faction base, perhaps? But what if it\'s not friendly.. What if it warps you too close to the sun? That\'d be hot. Really hot.

    I also think there should be limitations, such as : the gate size should dictate the size of ships able to use it. That way,

    Further along the way, assuming those could be faction-block\'d, comes something I pull from cowboy bebop (it\'s an anime, and many will turn away at the word, but here\'s the gits:) In this blabla sci fi universe, ships travel through the solar system by a series of huighways stretched between hypergates (We\'ve seen that so far) However, the interesting element, which would also restrict highway abuse, is a toll. Depending on the ship\'s mass, cargo, crew, distance of travel, etc, a toll is issued at the exit gate. And why shouldn\'t that be? those gates were built, and need to be maintained (if attacked, etc). They\'re a convenient service. Members of the owning factions would of course use it for free, but the same way player-run shops were to be implemented at some point, this kind of economy would bring a new level of interaction between factions, and more reasons to be in a faction.

    Anyways, those are just ramblings, once again I\'ve kinda got carried away. I like the idea of highways more than direct ship warping though, unless the power supply to warp a ship was ridiculously high.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    On second thought, a gate system would give people reason to explore further from safe areas, rather like the Mass Effect Relay system in the Mass Effect series.

    i would say that there should be randomly generated ones buried inside asteroids, that spawns a gate it connects to a certain distance away in a unexplored sector, but it should be impossible for players to build one themselves, turning the location of Gates to be a secret for people to hide and use for their own group\'s use. I envisage stations being built around Gates, guarding it and the other side from discovery.