So there are still people playing Starmade...

    Aug 7, 2013
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    Power and weapons 2.0 felt like a testbed, not intentionally finished product that was meant to help fill out a final product, which power 3.0 feels more like. No more stupid spaghetti power, stabilizers work out better without distance restrictions (or very small ones), the anti-spaghetti mechanic didn't work out well, so its been config'd out. But that's how development rolls, and frankly what worried me more wasn't the updates with features and mechanics that don't work out in the end, which are to be expected, but the huge negative, hostile reaction people had to it. Everybody just throws a collective tantrum and ditches because they didn't like a dev update? Wtf? But that's what you expect from yogscast fans, they do have a very young, temperamental, hard-to-please demographic.
    Honestly these hostile reactions are bound to happen when you change core game mechanics. It was the same with various Robocraft Changes or Crossout Patch 0.8, for example. Once People are mad, anything you tell or try to do for them just makes them even more mad. It´s an unfortunate reaility.

    Can we collectively agree to just drop the whole power 1.0 2.0 QF debate (at least for this thread)? It's clear people will never agree on it and frankly I'm getting tired of the constant arguing about it.
    Well first of all, I am sorry. Secondly, yes, we should stop. Buuuuuut I also have thought a lot about stabilizers and their distance mechanics over the past few days, And come up with what could be substantial improvements over 2.0.
    Don´t worry, I am not going to bother you here. I plan on making a separate forum post as a proposal towards devs and the modding/ general community. I am really just writing this to build some pressure on myself to stop me from procrastinating.
    Jul 5, 2013
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    Can we collectively agree to just drop the whole power 1.0 2.0 QF debate (at least for this thread)? It's clear people will never agree on it and frankly I'm getting tired of the constant arguing about it.
    Yes please, that's annoyingly old and always the same garbage over and over. Not that anti-P2.0 are haters, they do have good arguments. But it's depressing to see the same "P2.0 killed it for me" or "I won't play until new power system" than years ago.
    I mean wake up guys, there's no chance the power system will change in short time except with mods. And I don't see Schema risking another deep power change in the future, especially given the actual money shortage of Schine. Better get with it or make a mod.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Ok, I´ve done some research and found Latterouss Spaghetti Monster. Shift was broken for sure. But most of these exploits (correct me if I'm wrong) were the result of the ultra buggy Integrity and reactor HP systems, not the new reactors or stabilizers.

    Also, for the majority of the playerbase (which was still building normally) power 2.0 definately meant an improvement in power parity. You seem to have forgotten that the optimal ship in the old system was best described by the words "solid brick"
    Just to set the record straight, the "exploit" (really just a strategy) wasn't even spaghetti. it was just to build a long vertical stick with stabilizer groups on one end, spaced just far enough from one another to not trip the proximity detection, and then turn the stabilizer axes so that the stabilizer groups would count as different "sides" of the ship and qualify for the stabilizer bonus. You'd put the reactor on the other end of the ship, shields and other crap in the middle, and end up with an extremely mass- and turn-rate-efficient low-profile hull that was essentially a near-solid tall brick, and just objectively better than anything normal players could field due to stabilizer constraints on their hull shapes' mass efficiency.

    (but yes, a lot of mechanics were specifically designed to fix spaghetti and didn't, so that is another thing)

    And yes, a solid brick was 'optimal' in the old system outside of strange things like spaghetti. But the advantage of that was not as much as verti-sticks in stock power 2, and I'd argue that generally if a boring brick is the 'best' ship design, that's actually a good thing, because it means there aren't that many constraints on design to begin with. Most average players' ships were pretty close to "solid bricks" with some spaces in them; if they were good with systems design then their ships wouldn't be much worse than an optimized one, apart from somewhat worse turn rates induced by worse volume-to-boxdim ratios. In Power 2.0 it was a different story - non vertisticks were at a massive (heheh) disadvantage in pretty much all respects.
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    Nov 14, 2013
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    Yes please, that's annoyingly old and always the same garbage over and over. Not that anti-P2.0 are haters, they do have good arguments. But it's depressing to see the same "P2.0 killed it for me" or "I won't play until new power system" than years ago.
    I mean wake up guys, there's no chance the power system will change in short time except with mods. And I don't see Schema risking another deep power change in the future, especially given the actual money shortage of Schine. Better get with it or make a mod.
    I'm definitely still around, Power 2 or no. It won't make or break the game long-term, and people who think so had a pretty skewed idea of what a viable product from StarMade would have to look like IMO. They were convinced that their highly niche game loop of optimizing ships and throwing them at one another for no real purpose would be compelling enough to enough people that it's what Schine should be focused on... to me that seems quite insane.

    All that being said, it's just... not ideal.
    Jan 1, 2020
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    The long wait time was probably mostly because of the code base difference:
    "The universe update is well underway and the code bases are now so different that any change on the old version takes a lot of time because of migrating" (taken from .202.87 changelog)


    Nov 14, 2013
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    The long wait time was probably mostly because of the code base difference:
    "The universe update is well underway and the code bases are now so different that any change on the old version takes a lot of time because of migrating" (taken from .202.87 changelog)
    No, it's because the StarLoader project was created by volunteer developers. It was built entirely on the old codebase (for now) and has nothing to do with the universe update.
    Dec 8, 2014
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    I have assumed that this game is abondondware. They even published a bullet hell game in the time between now and the last update. a completely new game released, while this one withers away. They broke the balance and they do not know how to fix it so they gave up.
    Aug 7, 2013
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    I have assumed that this game is abondondware. They even published a bullet hell game in the time between now and the last update. a completely new game released, while this one withers away. They broke the balance and they do not know how to fix it so they gave up.
    Starmade is a passion project for schema, and one that has existed for a really long time already.(if I remember correctly then work on Starmade started somewhere in the mid 2000s) I can imagine them struggling financially and being frustrated with the state of the game, but giving up? I have my doubts about that.